
New: Ulti-Ashwa­gan­dha™ from Vimergy®:

New: Ulti-Ashwa­gan­dha™ from Vimergy®:

AW compliant recipes

Com­pli­ant recipes such as deli­cious main cour­ses, soups, breads, stews, salads, smoothies and des­serts based on Medi­cal Medium’s recom­men­da­ti­ons. The meals are com­pli­ant, glu­ten-free, corn-free, sugar-free and most­ly fat-free or redu­ced-fat and of cour­se do not con­tain ingre­di­ents such as milk, eggs, soy or other harmful no-foods. The­re are quick recipes with simp­le ingre­di­ents for ever­y­day coo­king as well as more ela­bo­ra­te dis­hes that satis­fy even the most sophisti­ca­ted pala­te and are sui­ta­ble for delight­ing guests and non-con­forming fami­ly mem­bers. The recipes include clas­sics from the Medi­cal Medi­um heal­ing tools, such as lemon water, hea­vy metal detox smoothie, liver heal­ing smoothie and heal­ing broth, as well as popu­lar recipes for ever­y­day life. The­se com­pli­ant recipes are sui­ta­ble for many occa­si­ons and dif­fe­rent tas­tes and not only give beg­in­ners a frame­work for coo­king, but also old hands can always find a new and tasty tas­te expe­ri­ence in the abun­dance of recipes.

Cher­ry Lime Smoothie 

This smoothie com­bi­nes the sweet frui­tin­ess of cher­ries with the tan­gy fresh­ness of limes, making it an ide­al refresh­ment on hot days. Gre­at as a frui­ty pick-me-up bet­ween meals.

Red len­til rolls 

Glu­ten-free, high in pro­te­in and easy to prepa­re – the­se red len­til rolls are a deli­cious and healt­hy alter­na­ti­ve to the tra­di­tio­nal variety. 

Red lentil and pointed cabbage pan
Red len­til and poin­ted cab­ba­ge pan 

This hear­ty red len­til and poin­ted cab­ba­ge pan is per­fect for a quick, healt­hy and deli­cious meal! The coco­nut milk makes the dish beau­tiful­ly cre­a­my and the gra­ted gin­ger gives it a fla­vorful, fresh note.

Cha­na Masala 

Immer­se yours­elf in the world of Indi­an cui­sine and be sure to try this deli­cious Cha­na Masa­la! The mix­tu­re of exo­tic spi­ces and ten­der chick­peas is sim­ply irre­sis­ti­ble – the per­fect com­fort food – and quick to make!

Chick­pea dum­pling soup 

Atten­ti­on soup and dum­pling lovers! The tasty chick­pea dum­pling soup is a healt­hy alter­na­ti­ve to the clas­sic dum­pling soup, deli­cious and packed with vita­li­zing nutrients.

Beetroot patties on baking paper
Bee­troot patties 

Jui­cy bee­troot com­bi­ned with chick­peas are the basis for this simp­le oven-baked dish. The pat­ties tas­te gre­at with pota­toes or sim­ply with a green salad. 

Glass bowl with date-carrot balls
Date-car­rot balls 

The­se litt­le power packs pro­vi­de quick ener­gy, tas­te deli­cious and are quick to make. The car­rots they con­tain give them an unex­pec­ted­ly jui­cy note. 

Vegan lentil omelette on a white plate
Vegan len­til omelette 

This vegan len­til ome­lette is quick to make and has a wide varie­ty of varia­ti­ons. By choo­sing the vege­ta­bles, you can easi­ly crea­te new pos­si­bi­li­ties. Ins­tead of len­til flour, chick­pea flour also works very well. 

Potato and onion flatbread on baking paper
Pota­to and oni­on flatbread 

If you have some stea­m­ed pota­toes left over from the day befo­re, this snack is very easy to prepa­re. The pota­to and oni­on flat­bread is par­ti­cu­lar­ly sui­ta­ble as a small appe­ti­zer befo­re a main meal or as a tasty snack in bet­ween meals. 

Green asparagus with hollandaise sauce
Vegan hol­lan­dai­se sauce 

This vegan hol­lan­dai­se sau­ce is won­derful­ly cre­a­my and goes excel­lent­ly with aspa­ra­gus and pota­toes. The typi­cal egg fla­vor is achie­ved by adding Kala Namak (black salt). 

Bowl with mixed salad and honey mustard dressing
Mixed salad with honey mus­tard dressing 

A colorful salad that gets its spe­cial appeal from the spi­cy, baked egg­plant strips. Chick­peas also make it very fil­ling and the spi­cy honey-mus­tard dres­sing gives it an extra­or­di­na­ry flavor. 

Plate with Asian potato pan
Asi­an pota­to stir-fry 

A small, fine dish that is quick to prepa­re and who­se charm lies par­ti­cu­lar­ly in the shii­ta­ke mush­rooms. This pota­to pan tas­tes very har­mo­nious becau­se the slight spi­ci­ness balan­ces out well with the sweet­ness of the sugar snap peas. 

Chick­pea broc­co­li nuggets 

Cris­py on the out­side and soft on the insi­de, the­se deli­cious nug­gets are pre­pared eit­her in the oven or in the hot air fry­er. This fin­ger food is also very popu­lar with many child­ren and tas­tes just as good with cauliflower. 

Casserole dish with potato moussaka
Pota­to moussaka 

A hear­ty, fil­ling and soot­hing dish that can be per­fect­ly com­ple­men­ted by a green salad. It also works well if the­re are pota­toes left over from the day before. 

Vegetable and fruit skewers
Sweet and savo­ry skewers 

The­se sweet and savo­ry ske­wers are won­derful as a side dish, fin­ger food or deli­cious snack. They can be enjoy­ed eit­her raw, dried or baked, all three ver­si­ons are very tasty! 

Cara­mel date cha­ga latte 

An incre­di­bly deli­cious smoothie that can be pre­pared fat-free with coco­nut water or water or, for an even cre­a­mier con­sis­ten­cy, with almond or coco­nut milk. Pro­ces­sed like this, cha­ga pow­der is a real treat! 

Japchaae on a blue plate

Sweet pota­to glass nood­les give this quick, Asi­an dish its spe­cial touch. Pre­pared with litt­le effort, jap­chae brings varie­ty to the fat-free diet and tas­tes fantastic.

Glass bowl with vegan cream cheese
Vegan cream cheese with dill 

Cas­hews form the basis of this ver­sa­ti­le, vegan cream cheese. It can be used in a varie­ty of ways, be it as a spread, as a dip for oven-baked vege­ta­bles or as a sau­ce for vegan kebabs and wraps. 

Cannelloni on white plate

The Ita­li­an clas­sic can­nel­lo­ni in a fat, grain and dairy-free ver­si­on is a tasty alter­na­ti­ve to the ori­gi­nal. Zuc­chi­ni replaces the nood­les, they are fil­led with ‘pota­to cheese’ and ser­ved in a spi­cy toma­to sau­ce. Delicate! 

Bowl of butternut potato hash
But­ter­nut pota­to hash 

This dish offers a dou­ble pack of glu­co­se through the use of pota­toes and pump­kin, sea­so­ned with thy­me, rose­ma­ry, gar­lic and papri­ka pow­der. An uncom­pli­ca­ted ever­y­day dish that can be pre­pared quickly. 

Sliced focaccia with tomatoes

This foc­ac­cia made from cas­sa­va and almond flour, bound with tapio­ca starch and enri­ched with toma­toes and herbs is quick to prepa­re. It also tas­tes very good with toma­to soup or with a spi­cy dip. 

White plate with tiramisu

Admit­ted­ly, this tira­mi­su isn’t even made straight, but it can be ide­al­ly pre­pared the day befo­re a par­ty and then has the neces­sa­ry time to finish. A sump­tuous des­sert that is defi­ni­te­ly worth the litt­le extra effort requi­red to prepa­re it. 

Serving plate with crème caramel
Creme caramel 

A dream of a des­sert! Becau­se it con­ta­ins a rela­tively high amount of fat, it should be reser­ved for spe­cial occa­si­ons. It is per­fect as the cul­mi­na­ti­on of cele­bra­ti­ons with fami­ly or fri­ends. You sim­ply have to tas­te it! 

Glass bowl with fig cookies
Fig cookies 

The­se fig coo­kies tas­te ama­zing and pro­vi­de gre­at sup­port for a healt­hy body. The pot­as­si­um and sodium con­tai­ned in figs sup­port neu­ro­trans­mit­ters, syn­ap­ses and neu­rons in the brain. In addi­ti­on, the phy­to­che­mi­cals con­tai­ned in figs help the immu­ne sys­tem in the intesti­nes to func­tion well.

Bowl with vanilla croissants
Vanil­la crescents 

Vanil­la cre­s­cents go won­derful­ly with the Christ­mas sea­son. This com­pli­ant ver­si­on does not requi­re but­ter and the cre­s­cents still turn out won­derful­ly crum­bly and fluffy. Natu­ral­ly com­pli­ant with glu­ten-free flour and real vanilla.

Plate of baked sweet potatoes
Twice baked sweet potatoes 

Baked sweet pota­toes are tos­sed with home­ma­de cas­hew cream and rai­sins, top­ped with rose­ma­ry pecan streu­sel, and baked for a few more minu­tes until the nut streu­sel is gol­den brown! 

Baking dish with ratatouille

A very colorful dish that com­bi­nes colorful vege­ta­bles such as zuc­chi­ni, egg­plant and pep­pers with a spi­cy toma­to sau­ce. It can also be ser­ved with eit­her qui­noa or mil­let, which makes it even more filling. 

Ber­ry bread 

A frui­ty, sweet, jui­cy cake bread that is easy to make. It is very popu­lar with child­ren and is the­r­e­fo­re also sui­ta­ble for bak­ing with the family. 

Plate of spaghetti carbonara
Spa­ghet­ti carbonara 

This rice spa­ghet­ti in a cre­a­my pota­to and cau­li­flower sau­ce is per­fect for fans of pas­ta dis­hes. The spi­cy egg­plant strips replace the bacon from the original. 

Wooden board with sweet potato nori wraps
Sweet pota­to nori wraps 

Stea­m­ed sweet pota­toes pro­vi­de the glu­co­se nee­ded for the­se nori sheet appe­ti­zers. The wraps are nice and crun­chy with cucum­bers, let­tuce and pep­pers. A deli­cious, unu­su­al snack that brings varie­ty to the kitchen. 

Pan­ca­kes with spring onions 

Stea­m­ed pota­toes are the basis for the savo­ry pan­ca­kes and cas­sa­va flour is the glu­ten-free bin­ding agent. The spi­cy flat­breads are com­ple­men­ted by a par­ti­cu­lar­ly deli­cious dip based on map­le syrup and lemon juice, which gets its fiery spi­ci­ness from chi­li and gar­lic powder. 

Stirred chickpea puree on a plate
Stir-fried chick­pea puree 

Chick­pea flour is the basis for the­se vegan scram­bled eggs. The reci­pe is quick to make and is sur­pri­sin­gly jui­cy thanks to the addi­ti­on of toma­toes, pep­pers and oni­ons. Varia­ti­ons on the basic reci­pe with, for exam­p­le, mush­rooms or broc­co­li bring addi­tio­nal variety. 

Bowl of apricot balls
Apri­cot balls 

A sweet tempt­a­ti­on that is rich in vit­amin C thanks to the apri­cots and oran­ges used. The warm­ing effects of cin­na­mon and gin­ger and the exo­tic tas­te of coco­nut flakes make them a popu­lar tre­at that can be eaten in no time. 

Stea­m­ed cab­ba­ge rolls 

In this reci­pe, cab­ba­ge rolls with a fat-free fil­ling of mush­rooms, pota­toes, cau­li­flower, pep­pers and snow peas are ser­ved with a spi­cy sau­ce. Ide­al on cool days and visual­ly some­thing very special. 

Mushroom and potato wraps on lettuce leaves
Mush­room and pota­to wraps 

Spi­cy, sea­so­ned, fried mush­rooms make the­se irre­sis­ti­ble pota­to dough wraps so appe­al­ing. The deli­cious, thin­ly baked wraps are packed with healt­hy herbs and spices. 

Spicy Auberigen strips on a plate
Spi­cy egg­plant strips 

The­se cris­py fried egg­plant strips are brushed with a mari­na­de made from map­le syrup, lemon juice, toma­to pas­te, gar­lic pow­der, oni­on pow­der, papri­ka pow­der and chip­ot­le pow­der and then baked until cris­py in the oven. A spi­cy treat.

Plate with crepes and berries

Wafer-thin cre­pes made from oat flour and pota­to starch are easy and quick to make and are both popu­lar as a des­sert and very appe­al­ing as a small, sweet snack bet­ween meals. 

Pota­to focaccia 

The dough for this flat­bread con­sists pri­ma­ri­ly of stea­m­ed pota­toes, cas­sa­va flour and pota­to starch, spi­ced up with spi­ces and rose­ma­ry. Easy to make, it goes very well with soups, salads or even with a deli­cious dip. 

Wild blueber­ry tart 

The dough for this tart comes tog­e­ther in a flash and is very clo­se to pan­ca­ke dough. Top­ped with wild blueber­ries, the cake is a won­derful­ly frui­ty treat. 

Plate of curried cauliflower and peas
Cur­ry cau­li­flower with peas 

For this tasty and quick dish, the cau­li­flower and green peas are first stea­m­ed. Sea­so­ned with cur­ry, turm­e­ric, gar­lic, gin­ger and cumin, the vege­ta­bles then get their spe­cial fla­vor by fur­ther steam­ing them in the pan. 

Brain booster jar
Brain-boos­ting smoothie 

In stressful situa­tions, your brain pri­ma­ri­ly needs glu­co­se and elec­tro­lytes. The brain streng­thening smoothie offers ple­nty of both and pro­vi­des quick rein­force­ment. It relia­bly cools the over­hea­ting in the brain and calms the over­sti­mu­la­ted neurons. 

Bana­na pancakes 

The­se seduc­tively scen­ted, sweet pan­ca­kes not only make children’s hearts beat fas­ter. Pre­pa­ring the dough in the mixer is quick and uncom­pli­ca­ted. The fluffy tre­at tas­tes gre­at both as a main meal and as a dessert. 
