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Bread & rolls

Red len­til rolls 

Glu­ten-free, high in pro­te­in and easy to prepa­re – the­se red len­til rolls are a deli­cious and healt­hy alter­na­ti­ve to the tra­di­tio­nal variety. 

Sliced focaccia with tomatoes

This foc­ac­cia made from cas­sa­va and almond flour, bound with tapio­ca starch and enri­ched with toma­toes and herbs is quick to prepa­re. It also tas­tes very good with toma­to soup or with a spi­cy dip. 

Pota­to focaccia 

The dough for this flat­bread con­sists pri­ma­ri­ly of stea­m­ed pota­toes, cas­sa­va flour and pota­to starch, spi­ced up with spi­ces and rose­ma­ry. Easy to make, it goes very well with soups, salads or even with a deli­cious dip. 

Glu­ten­free bread 

This is a quick and easy bread that can also be baked as a roll. It goes well with both savo­ry and sweet spreads or can be used as an addi­ti­on to soups and salads. 

Bra­zi­li­an “cheese” bread 

The­se deli­cious litt­le bread balls are cris­py on the out­side and soft on the insi­de. They are the per­fect litt­le snack bet­ween meals or a deli­cious accom­p­animent to vege­ta­bles, salad or other dishes. 

pump­kin bread 

This is a moist, deli­cious bread that can also be fro­zen sli­ced. The pump­kin it con­ta­ins is a rich source of B vit­amins such as fola­te, nia­cin, thi­ami­ne and pan­to­the­nic acid and mine­rals such as cal­ci­um and potassium. 

Vegan bagels 

With oni­ons, gar­lic, sesa­me and pop­py seeds, this vegan, glu­ten-free and dairy-free ver­si­on of a regu­lar bagel does­n’t com­pro­mi­se on tas­te and will lea­ve you cra­ving fresh bagels.

Mil­let and oat toast with linseeds 

Tasty, light and not too dry, this com­pli­ant oat mil­let toast is ide­al for both sweet and spi­cy spreads. Psyl­li­um husks are avo­ided and ins­tead bound with linseed. 

Sliced blueberry banana bread
Blueber­ry bana­na bread 

This glu­ten-free, deli­cious blueber­ry bana­na bread is a tre­at for the body and can also be ser­ved as a cake. It gets its jui­cy con­sis­ten­cy from the mix­tu­re of blueber­ries and bananas.

gluten-free bread with spread and cucumber
Anja’s glu­ten-free bread 

Anja’s glu­ten-free bread is a won­derful alter­na­ti­ve to con­ven­tio­nal bread. It gets its good bak­ing pro­per­ties from pota­to flour and lin­seed flour. It is sui­ta­ble for the tran­si­ti­on to a fat-free diet.
