
New: Ulti-Ashwa­gan­dha™ from Vimergy®:

New: Ulti-Ashwa­gan­dha™ from Vimergy®:


Raw blueber­ry pie 

This deli­cious cake is made using only raw ingre­di­ents and is a sweet tre­at for anyo­ne who likes dates and figs. Wild blueber­ries with a dif­fe­rence! The cake also tas­tes very good with raspberries. 

lemon cake 

For lemon lovers, this cake is a dream. It lea­ves not­hing to be desi­red in terms of tas­te, but is not low in fat and should the­r­e­fo­re be enjoy­ed on rare occa­si­ons. The cake is rich in vit­amin C and bio­ac­ti­ve calcium. 
