
New: Ulti-Ashwa­gan­dha™ from Vimergy®:

New: Ulti-Ashwa­gan­dha™ from Vimergy®:


White plate with tiramisu

Admit­ted­ly, this tira­mi­su isn’t even made straight, but it can be ide­al­ly pre­pared the day befo­re a par­ty and then has the neces­sa­ry time to finish. A sump­tuous des­sert that is defi­ni­te­ly worth the litt­le extra effort requi­red to prepa­re it. 

Serving plate with crème caramel
Creme caramel 

A dream of a des­sert! Becau­se it con­ta­ins a rela­tively high amount of fat, it should be reser­ved for spe­cial occa­si­ons. It is per­fect as the cul­mi­na­ti­on of cele­bra­ti­ons with fami­ly or fri­ends. You sim­ply have to tas­te it! 

Plate with crepes and berries

Wafer-thin cre­pes made from oat flour and pota­to starch are easy and quick to make and are both popu­lar as a des­sert and very appe­al­ing as a small, sweet snack bet­ween meals. 

2 glasses of wild blueberry yogurt
Wild blueber­ry “yogurt”

An easy-to-make and frui­ty-cre­a­my-tasting ‘yoghurt’ that is also par­ti­cu­lar­ly sui­ta­ble for child­ren. Here, the gel­ling abili­ty of the wild blueber­ry is cle­ver­ly used to give the des­sert its consistency. 

Heal­ing food cream 

A win­ter des­sert that not only tas­tes deli­cious, but is also a true heal­ing food. This des­sert is easy to prepa­re and tas­tes par­ti­cu­lar­ly deli­cious when chilled. 
