
New: Ulti-Ashwa­gan­dha™ from Vimergy®:

New: Ulti-Ashwa­gan­dha™ from Vimergy®:


Glass bowl with date-carrot balls
Date-car­rot balls 

The­se litt­le power packs pro­vi­de quick ener­gy, tas­te deli­cious and are quick to make. The car­rots they con­tain give them an unex­pec­ted­ly jui­cy note. 

Potato and onion flatbread on baking paper
Pota­to and oni­on flatbread 

If you have some stea­m­ed pota­toes left over from the day befo­re, this snack is very easy to prepa­re. The pota­to and oni­on flat­bread is par­ti­cu­lar­ly sui­ta­ble as a small appe­ti­zer befo­re a main meal or as a tasty snack in bet­ween meals. 

Vegetable and fruit skewers
Sweet and savo­ry skewers 

The­se sweet and savo­ry ske­wers are won­derful as a side dish, fin­ger food or deli­cious snack. They can be enjoy­ed eit­her raw, dried or baked, all three ver­si­ons are very tasty! 

Wooden board with sweet potato nori wraps
Sweet pota­to nori wraps 

Stea­m­ed sweet pota­toes pro­vi­de the glu­co­se nee­ded for the­se nori sheet appe­ti­zers. The wraps are nice and crun­chy with cucum­bers, let­tuce and pep­pers. A deli­cious, unu­su­al snack that brings varie­ty to the kitchen. 

Spicy Auberigen strips on a plate
Spi­cy egg­plant strips 

The­se cris­py fried egg­plant strips are brushed with a mari­na­de made from map­le syrup, lemon juice, toma­to pas­te, gar­lic pow­der, oni­on pow­der, papri­ka pow­der and chip­ot­le pow­der and then baked until cris­py in the oven. A spi­cy treat.

Bowl of strawberry salsa
Straw­ber­ry salsa 

This sal­sa is a very refres­hing deli­ca­cy that is a suc­cessful com­bi­na­ti­on of sweet and savo­ry fla­vors. It tas­tes deli­cious on its own as a snack, with a green salad, as a fil­ling for pep­per hal­ves or on cucum­ber slices. 

Vegetable muffin on plate
Vege­ta­ble muf­fins (mini frittatas) 

The­se deli­cious muf­fins are made from chick­pea flour. The vege­ta­bles can be varied as desi­red, making the muf­fins ide­al for using lef­to­vers. They are also very tasty with broc­co­li, cau­li­flower and mushrooms. 

6 Brain Saver Wraps on wooden board
Brain Saver Wraps 

Quick to make, easy to make, but rich in nut­ri­ents, the­se appe­tiz­ing wraps pro­vi­de your brain with important buil­ding blocks so that it can func­tion well. 

Plate with onion pakora and cashew dip
Oni­on pako­ra with cas­hew dip 

This small snack made from baked oni­ons with a vegan dip made from cas­hews is spi­cy and piquant and is sui­ta­ble eit­her as a deli­cious snack or as an appe­ti­zer to a meal. 

Empanadas snack

This deli­cious pota­to-based snack is a tasty snack for in bet­ween, to take with you or ser­ved with a mixed salad – it also makes a fil­ling main meal. 

Jalapeño potato poppers
Jala­pe­ño pota­to poppers 

Whe­ther as an appe­ti­zer in a cheerful group or as a small snack in bet­ween, the­se fat-free pota­to pop­pers delight on many occa­si­ons. Pota­toes are high in pot­as­si­um and vit­amin B6 and are an excel­lent source of ami­no acids, espe­ci­al­ly lysine.

Stuffed pepper wedges
Stuf­fed pep­per wedges 

Fin­ger food pre­pared very sim­ply, spi­cy and fat-free. Pep­pers are rich in vit­amin C and streng­then the immu­ne sys­tem, while pota­toes are a good source of lys­i­ne and are an anti-patho­ge­nic food. 

Piz­za hummus 

A spi­cy, piz­za-style twist on the clas­sic hum­mus with Ita­li­an spi­ces brings varie­ty to this popu­lar pas­te. This reci­pe is simp­le and quick to prepare. 

Fat-free eggplant dip in glass bowl
Bab­a­ga­noush – egg­plant dip 

Bab­a­ga­noush is a Midd­le Eas­tern egg­plant dip that tra­di­tio­nal­ly con­ta­ins fat. In this tasty ver­si­on, fat is omit­ted for the sake of the liver.

Stuffed avocado veggie pinwheels next to parsley
Avo­ca­do veggie pinwheels 

The­se deli­cious tor­til­la bites are an attrac­ti­ve choice for a pic­nic as deli­cious fin­ger food or as a small snack. Fil­led with cre­a­my avo­ca­dos and vege­ta­bles that can be varied at any time, they offer a varie­ty of variety. 

Spring rolls on plate with 2 sauces
Cris­py spring rolls 

Fried wit­hout fat in a hot air fry­er, the­se cris­py spring rolls are cris­py on the out­side and jui­cy and spi­cy on the insi­de. Pre­pared this way, they are a way to enjoy wit­hout having to accept the usu­al dis­ad­van­ta­ges of fried foods. 

Pota­to and pea bites 

Fin­ger food at its finest! Sim­ply made and very tasty, the small pota­to and pea bites are a nice opti­on for a snack in bet­ween, a din­ner with a salad as a side dish or even for a buffet. 

Purple fruit leather rolls on a plate
Fruit lea­ther made from berries 

Fruit lea­thers are a deli­cious, easy-to-make snack for on the go, in the car, at pic­nics, at school and at work. Not only can you make them from ber­ries, but the­re are no limits to your ima­gi­na­ti­on when it comes to using fruit.

A crispy fat-free potato waffle on a blue and white plate
Fat-free pota­to waffles 

Simp­le as it gets! With just two ingre­di­ents you can con­ju­re up deli­cious, cris­py waf­f­les that tas­te deli­cious at any time of the day and pro­vi­de the body with heal­ing ingredients. 

Bananas smeared with date sauce on lettuce leaves
Bana­na salad boats 

Quick and easy to prepa­re, the­se bana­na salad boats are a deli­cious litt­le snack for both child­ren and adults. Com­bi­ning let­tuce with fruit dou­bles the healt­hy pro­per­ties of both.

Wild Blueber­ry Bars 

The­se deli­cious blueber­ry bars are ide­al as a deli­cious snack bet­ween meals and on the go. They are easy to make, irre­sis­ti­bly deli­cious and, on top of that, healing. 

Nori rolls with mus­tard dip 

The­se vegan nori rolls are quick to make as deli­cious snacks for din­ner or to take away. The deli­cious sea vege­ta­bles delight the pala­te with their sal­ty note.

3 plates of adrenal snacks
Adre­nal snacks 

Over­loa­ded adre­nal glands don’t have to be the case. In this artic­le you will learn how you can spe­ci­fi­cal­ly reli­e­ve your adre­nal glands on a dai­ly basis. Fre­quent small adre­nal snacks are the solu­ti­on and redu­ce stress in the liver, adre­nal glands and pancreas.

Glu­ten-free len­til tacos 

Spi­cy len­tils wrap­ped in let­tuce lea­ves are a glu­ten-free snack for the evening or for a vegan buf­fet. The spi­ci­ness can be varied as desi­red, making it a deli­cious bite for every taste! 
