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Shock applications

Jar of Lemon Balm shock application
Lemon Balm (lemon balm) shock application 

If an emo­tio­nal expe­ri­ence is bothe­ring you, use the Lemon Balm shock tre­at­ment. It also accom­pa­nies you in an emo­tio­nal cri­sis to pro­tect your ner­ves against harmful adrenaline. 

B12 shock application
B12 shock 

A vit­amin B12 defi­ci­en­cy can hap­pen quick­ly. The­r­e­fo­re, vit­amin B12 shock use is recom­men­ded after stress, acci­dents, alco­hol con­sump­ti­on, caf­feine with­dra­wal and more. 

Glass with thyme tea shock application
Thy­me tea shock 

The thy­me tea shock appli­ca­ti­on is recom­men­ded to streng­then the body. 

Micro-C, lemon, orange, honey for vitamin C shock therapy
Vit­amin C shock 

The vit­amin C shock appli­ca­ti­on is recom­men­ded to sup­port the body. 

Bottle of zinc for zinc shock therapy on wooden board
Zinc shock 

The zinc shock appli­ca­ti­on is recom­men­ded to streng­then the body. 
