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Gingerbread cookies

Gin­ger­b­read coo­kies are the per­fect tre­at for the holi­day sea­son! With warm­ing spi­ces such as gin­ger, cin­na­mon, nut­meg and cloves, the­se coo­kies bring a lot of com­fort, warmth and cozi­ness to the Christ­mas season. 

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First, in a lar­ge bowl, whisk tog­e­ther the oat flour, arrow­root starch, bak­ing pow­der, cin­na­mon, nut­meg, cloves, gin­ger and coco­nut blos­som sugar.

In ano­ther bowl, mix the date or map­le syrup, app­le­sauce, lemon juice and mel­ted coco­nut oil. Add the dry ingre­di­ents to the bowl and mix with a spa­tu­la until a uni­form, smooth dough forms. Now divi­de the dough into two parts, then wrap each pie­ce in parch­ment paper or cling film and place in the ref­ri­ge­ra­tor for 1 hour.

Accor­din­gly, pre­heat the oven to 165 °C later. Line two lar­ge bak­ing trays with bak­ing paper.

Place one pie­ce of dough bet­ween two sheets of bak­ing paper and roll it out with a rol­ling pin to about 0.6 – 1.2 cm thick. (The dough is very sti­cky, you may need to add a litt­le more flour.)

Using coo­kie cut­ters, press shapes into the dough and peel off the excess. Form the excess dough into a lar­ge ball and con­ti­nue rol­ling and cut­ting until all the dough is used.

Careful­ly trans­fer the coo­kies to the bak­ing sheets and bake for 11–14 minu­tes, until light­ly brow­ned around the edges. Allow to cool befo­re eating.


Pho­tos: Maar­ja Urb

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