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Lemon Balm (lemon balm) shock application

If an emo­tio­nal expe­ri­ence is bothe­ring you, use the Lemon Balm shock tre­at­ment. It also accom­pa­nies you in an emo­tio­nal cri­sis to pro­tect your ner­ves against harmful adrenaline. 
Jar of Lemon Balm shock application

Instructions for the Lemon Balm shock application 

  • Adults take 4 pipet­tes of non-alco­ho­lic every three waking hours Lemon balm tinc­tu­re in 30 ml of water or juice (or direct­ly in the mouth, optio­nal­ly with a juice or water as a topping). 
  • You can do this for three to five days and then switch to the dosa­ge in an indi­vi­du­al sup­ple­ment list. 
  • If an emo­tio­nal event is ongo­ing, feel free to use the lemon balm shock tre­at­ment con­ti­nuous­ly to calm the ner­vous sys­tem. App­ly the lemon balm shock appli­ca­ti­on over a peri­od of three to five days and then return to the dosa­ge spe­ci­fied in an indi­vi­du­al sup­ple­ment list for three days. You can then repeat the lemon balm shock appli­ca­ti­on again for three to five days, and so on. 
  • It is always pos­si­ble to redu­ce the dosa­ge of Lemon Balm Shock appli­ca­ti­on while the emo­tio­nal cri­sis continues.

Instructions for the lemon balm shock application

  • Ages 1 to 2: 12 tiny drops (not pipet­tes) in juice or water every three waking hours
  • Ages 3 to 4: 20 tiny drops (not pipet­tes) in juice or water every three waking hours
  • Ages 5 to 8: 1 pipet­te in juice or water every three waking hours
  • 9 to 12 years: 2 pipet­tes in juice or water every three waking hours
  • 13 years and older: 3 pipet­tes in juice or water every three waking hours

Note: The dosa­ge recom­men­da­ti­ons are tho­se from our favo­ri­te aut­hor. We our­sel­ves can­not give any recom­men­da­ti­ons here, as in Ger­ma­ny this is only reser­ved for doc­tors and alter­na­ti­ve practitioners. 


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