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lemon cake

An incre­di­bly deli­cious cake for ever­yo­ne who loves the deli­ca­te­ly sour tas­te of lemons. It is easy to make and tas­tes good even wit­hout the cas­hew gla­ze. Lemons are rich in bio­available vit­amin C and calcium. 

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Lemon fros­ting:

  • 100 g raw Cas­hews, soa­ked in hot water for 15 minutes
  • 60ml map­le syrup
  • 2–3 tbsp water
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice


Pre­heat the oven to 180 degrees. Line a loaf pan with bak­ing paper.

In a lar­ge bowl, whisk tog­e­ther the oat flour, brown rice flour, pota­to starch, bak­ing pow­der and bak­ing soda. Put aside.

In ano­ther bowl, add the map­le syrup, lemon zest and juice, ground flax seeds, mel­ted coco­nut oil and vanil­la. Mix until a uni­form dough forms. 

Add the wet ingre­di­ents to the dry and stir until well mixed. Pour the bat­ter into the pre­pared loaf pan and bake for 30–40 minu­tes until the top is light­ly brow­ned. A tooth­pick should come out clean when the stick test is done.

Allow to cool in the tin for 5 minu­tes, then remo­ve and cool com­ple­te­ly on a wire rack.

To make the lemon gla­ze, place the cas­hews, map­le syrup, water and lemon juice in a blen­der and puree until very smooth. When the cake has coo­led, spread the icing over the cake.

Sli­ce and ser­ve. This cake is best made the same day it is baked. 

Bon appe­tit!


Pho­tos: Maar­ja Urb

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