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Potato and leek gratin

A hear­ty, fil­ling dish baked with a vegan sau­ce made from coco­nut and cas­hew milk. Par­ti­cu­lar­ly sui­ta­ble for tho­se who have a fond­ness for gra­tin and are loo­king for com­pli­ant alter­na­ti­ves wit­hout no-foods. 

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Ingre­di­ents for 4 servings: 


Grease a deep bak­ing tray with coco­nut oil, chop the gar­lic fine­ly and spread it well on the oiled tray. Sprink­le ever­y­thing even­ly with 3 pin­ches of salt.

Wash and clean the leek and cut into thin rings. Peel the pota­toes and cut them into sli­ces about 8 mm thick.

Loo­sen the leek rings indi­vi­du­al­ly and dis­tri­bu­te them even­ly over the gar­lic on the tray. Now lay­er the pota­to sli­ces on top like roof tiles. Then sprink­le again with 3 pin­ches of salt and fresh­ly ground pep­per.

Now mix the broth, cas­hew milk and coco­nut milk in a pot, heat and sea­son with 1 teas­poon of salt. Now use a spoon to careful­ly and tho­rough­ly spread this mix­tu­re over the pota­toes so that every pie­ce of pota­to is real­ly moistened.

Final­ly, sprink­le ever­y­thing with the ground almonds and bake in a pre­hea­ted oven at 230 degrees for about 40 – 45 minu­tes until gol­den. The liquid should have almost eva­po­ra­ted. Then let the gra­tin rest for 10 minu­tes, then serve.

Bon appe­tit!

Note: Not fat-free and should the­r­e­fo­re only be con­su­med in moderation.

More such fan­ta­stic recipes are in Gün­ther Karl’s cook­books to find:

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