
New: Soo­t­he Wise Syrup from Vimergy®:

New: Soo­t­he Wise Syrup from Vimergy®:

Micro‑C® from Vimergy

Micro C Vimer­gy® is a spe­cial blend of buf­fe­r­ed vit­amin C that is more easi­ly diges­ti­ble than other forms of vit­amin C. This uni­que blend is enri­ched with rose hips, gra­pe seed extra­ct, rutin and ace­ro­la fruit extra­ct. Vit­amin C is an essen­ti­al anti­oxi­dant that sup­ports a healt­hy immu­ne sys­tem, car­dio­vas­cu­lar sys­tem and skin health.

The chal­lenges of today are diver­se, which is why a strong, effi­ci­ent immu­ne sys­tem is important. Colds, flu, stress, envi­ron­men­tal pol­lu­ti­on and poor nut­ri­ti­on all con­tri­bu­te to strai­ning the immu­ne sys­tem. Vimergy®’s enhan­ced vit­amin C for­mu­la Micro‑C, enri­ched with rose­hip and gra­pe seed extra­ct, offers an easy way to boost our immu­ne sys­tem on a dai­ly basis.

The Vit­amin C shock the­ra­py“ is recom­men­ded for acu­te flu infec­tions.
The liver uses vit­amin C for all of its over 2,000 che­mi­cal func­tions. Vit­amin C helps deto­xi­fy and cle­an­se the liver, stop a slug­gish liver, loo­sen and dis­sol­ve fat cells stored in the liver, and helps the liver reco­ver after stress-rela­ted adre­na­line rus­hes.
It also acce­le­ra­tes the reco­very of white blood cells.


  • Cal­ci­um ascorbate
  • Magne­si­um ascorbate
  • rose hip
  • Gra­pe seed extract
  • Rutin
  • Ace­ro­la fruit extract
  • Anti­oxi­dant: Ascor­byl pal­mi­ta­te (fat­ty acid ester of ascor­bic acid)
  • Vege­ta­ri­an cap­su­le (cel­lu­lo­se, water)
  • Fil­ler: cellulose

More infor­ma­ti­on about Micro C:

  • This pro­duct is rich in anti­oxi­dant vit­amin C
  • Vit­amin C pro­mo­tes a healt­hy immu­ne sys­tem and car­dio­vas­cu­lar system
  • Vit­amin C sup­ports skin health
  • Buf­fe­r­ed forms of vit­amin C, such as cal­ci­um and magne­si­um ascor­ba­te, are less aci­dic than tra­di­tio­nal forms of vit­amin C. The­r­e­fo­re, some peo­p­le who are sen­si­ti­ve to aci­dic foods may be able to digest the buf­fe­r­ed forms more easily.
  • 500 mg buf­fe­r­ed vit­amin C per capsule
  • Uni­que­ly and syn­er­gi­sti­cal­ly enri­ched with rose hips, gra­pe seed extra­ct and bioflavonoids
  • Non-GMO, glu­ten-free, kos­her, soy-free, vegan, paleo
  • No citric acid and no gelatin

Accor­ding to the EU Health Claims Regu­la­ti­on, the fol­lo­wing state­ments are per­mit­ted for this preparation:

  • Vit­amin C con­tri­bu­tes to the nor­mal func­tio­ning of the immu­ne sys­tem during and after inten­se phy­si­cal exercise
  • Vit­amin C increa­ses iron absorption
  • Vit­amin C con­tri­bu­tes to nor­mal col­la­gen for­ma­ti­on for nor­mal blood ves­sel function
  • Vit­amin C con­tri­bu­tes to nor­mal col­la­gen for­ma­ti­on for nor­mal bone function
  • Vit­amin C con­tri­bu­tes to nor­mal ener­gy metabolism
  • Vit­amin C con­tri­bu­tes to nor­mal col­la­gen for­ma­ti­on for nor­mal car­ti­la­ge function
  • Vit­amin C helps pro­tect cells from oxi­da­tive stress
  • Vit­amin C con­tri­bu­tes to the rege­ne­ra­ti­on of the redu­ced form of vit­amin E
  • Vit­amin C con­tri­bu­tes to nor­mal col­la­gen for­ma­ti­on for nor­mal skin function
  • Vit­amin C helps redu­ce tired­ness and fatigue
  • Vit­amin C con­tri­bu­tes to the nor­mal func­tio­ning of the ner­vous system
  • Vit­amin C con­tri­bu­tes to the nor­mal func­tio­ning of the immu­ne system
  • Vit­amin C con­tri­bu­tes to nor­mal psy­cho­lo­gi­cal function
  • Vit­amin C con­tri­bu­tes to nor­mal col­la­gen for­ma­ti­on for nor­mal gum function
  • Vit­amin C con­tri­bu­tes to nor­mal col­la­gen for­ma­ti­on for nor­mal tooth function

Dosa­ge: As a die­ta­ry sup­ple­ment, take 1 cap­su­le or more 1 to 2 times daily.

A noti­ce:
The recom­men­ded dai­ly dose should not be excee­ded. Die­ta­ry sup­ple­ments should not be used as a sub­sti­tu­te for a varied diet. A balan­ced diet and a healt­hy life­style are important. Keep out of the reach of children.
