
Cherry Lime Smoothie

This smoothie com­bi­nes the sweet frui­tin­ess of cher­ries with the tan­gy fresh­ness of limes, making it an ide­al refresh­ment on hot days. Gre­at as a frui­ty pick-me-up bet­ween meals. 


  • 2 cups fresh or fro­zen pit­ted cherries
  • 2 fresh or fro­zen bananas
  • 2–3 pit­ted Dates (adjust to taste)
  • Zest of 1 lime 
  • 1/4 cup fresh­ly squeezed lime juice (that’s about 2 limes)
  • 1/2 cup water, Coco­nut water or uns­weeten­ed Almond milk (add more if needed)


  1. All ingre­di­ents in one High per­for­mance blen­der Blend on high speed until the mix­tu­re is smooth and cre­a­my. If the con­sis­ten­cy is too thick, add more liquid as needed.
  2. Pour the smoothie into glas­ses and ser­ve immediately.

Bon appe­tit!

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