
Top 8 basic supplements

The­se 8 nut­ri­tio­nal sup­ple­ments are the basic ran­ge that AW recom­mends for dai­ly intake. 

Ever­yo­ne should have the­se sup­ple­ments at home:

  1. Vimer­gy B12
  2. Vimer­gy Zinc
  3. Vimer­gy Micro‑C
  4. Vimer­gy lemon balm
  5. Vimer­gy Spirulina
  6. Vimer­gy cat’s claw
  7. Vimer­gy L‑Lysine
  8. Vimer­gy curcumin

Note: AW warns that many manu­fac­tu­r­ers work in an unclean man­ner, dilute their sup­ple­ments or use infe­ri­or ingre­di­ents. He the­r­e­fo­re recom­mends the sup­ple­ments from the manu­fac­tu­rer Vimer­gy, as they always have first-class quality.

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