
Ori­gi­nal recom­men­da­ti­ons from the USA:

Ori­gi­nal recom­men­da­ti­ons from the USA:


Audio books (German)

Books 9

Medi­al medicine

Books 10

Medi­cal food

Books 11

Heal your thyroid

Books 12

Heal your liver

Books 13

Cele­ry juice

Books 14

Heal yours­elf

Original editions (English)

Books 16

Life Chan­ging Foods

Books 17

Thy­ro­id Heading

Books 18

Liver Res­cue

Books 19

Cele­ry Juice

Books 20

Cle­an­se to Heal

Books 21

Brain saver

Books 22

Brain Saver Protocols

The aut­hor of the­se books is known as a heal­ing medi­um who spe­cia­li­zes in tea­ching advan­ced heal­ing methods. He has published seve­ral books deal­ing with various health and nut­ri­ti­on topics that many peo­p­le find hel­pful and inspiring.

One of his most famous books is “Secrets Behind Chro­nic and Mys­tery Ill­ness and How to Final­ly Heal,” in which the aut­hor details how to heal chro­nic ill­nesses and mys­te­rious ailm­ents. The book is based on his abili­ty to com­mu­ni­ca­te direct­ly with the “medi­cal mind,” a spi­ri­tu­al force that reve­als to him infor­ma­ti­on about ill­nesses and their cau­ses. The book con­ta­ins many useful tips and advice on how to stay healt­hy and pro­mo­te heal­ing and is sui­ta­ble for peo­p­le with chro­nic health pro­blems as well as the health-conscious.

Ano­ther popu­lar book is Liver Res­cue: Ans­wers to Ecze­ma, Pso­ria­sis, Dia­be­tes, Strep, Acne, Gout, Bloa­ting, Gall­s­to­nes, Adre­nal Stress, Fati­gue, Fat­ty Liver, Weight Issues, SIBO & Auto­im­mu­ne Dise­a­se. This book is about heal­ing from liver dise­a­se and other health pro­blems that can be cau­sed by an unhe­alt­hy liver. The book con­ta­ins many useful tips and recipes that can help deto­xi­fy and streng­then the liver for impro­ved over­all health.

The books are very popu­lar with many peo­p­le becau­se they offer uni­que, advan­ced heal­ing methods and cover a varie­ty of health pro­blems. Sui­ta­ble for both peo­p­le with chro­nic health pro­blems and the health-con­scious, they offer lots of useful tips and advice on how to stay healt­hy and pro­mo­te healing.


Tip: This month the­re is a real­ly gre­at dis­count pro­mo­ti­on at Hurom!

Save up to 24% on all Hurom jui­cers until the end of the month and also get a mini blen­der worth 109 €!

Our favo­ri­te: The H400 is our favo­ri­te slow jui­cer ever!

Top qua­li­ty, easy to use, easy to clean and of cour­se also sui­ta­ble for making cele­ry juice.

If you order a Hurom Slow Jui­cer NOW, you are doing ever­y­thing right: