
Hurom at the best pri­ce + 10 % extra with cou­pon: SELLERIESAFT10

Hurom at the best pri­ce + 10 % extra with cou­pon: SELLERIESAFT10

Brain Care Smoothie

This deli­cious smoothie pro­vi­des good sup­pli­es of glu­co­se and mine­ral salts. Cher­ries are the ulti­ma­te liver tonic, cle­an­ser and reju­ve­na­tor. Lemons and spin­ach pro­vi­de the brain with mine­ral salts. 

Ingre­di­ents for 1 serving:

  • 2 bana­nas or 2 cups of man­go or 1/2 liter of fresh­ly squeezed oran­ge juice
  • 1 cup pit­ted, fresh or tha­wed fro­zen cherries 
  • 2 cups spin­ach, lamb’s let­tuce or parsley 
  • Juice of 1/2 lemon or lime


Puree all ingre­di­ents in the blen­der until smooth. 

Enjoy imme­dia­te­ly!

Tip: Feel free to use more bana­nas, man­go or fresh oran­ge juice to make this smoothie even richer. 

Source: Heal your brain, The prac­ti­cal program

Pho­tos: Maar­ja Urb

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