
Ori­gi­nal recom­men­da­ti­ons from the USA:

Ori­gi­nal recom­men­da­ti­ons from the USA:


6 Brain Saver Wraps on wooden board
Brain Saver Wraps 

Quick to make, easy to make, but rich in nut­ri­ents, the­se appe­tiz­ing wraps pro­vi­de your brain with important buil­ding blocks so that it can func­tion well. 

Glass of brain nourishing smoothie
Brain Care Smoothie 

This deli­cious smoothie pro­vi­des good sup­pli­es of glu­co­se and mine­ral salts. Cher­ries are the ulti­ma­te liver tonic, cle­an­ser and reju­ve­na­tor. Lemons and spin­ach pro­vi­de the brain with mine­ral salts. 

2 glasses of thyroid healing smoothie
Thy­ro­id smoothie 

This smoothie is used to revi­ta­li­ze and cle­an­se the thy­ro­id. The thy­ro­id smoothie is an important part of Plan C of the 90-day thy­ro­id treatment. 

Glass with Trauma, Shock and Loss Stabilizer
Trau­ma, Shock and Loss Stabilizer 

Have you lost a loved one or pet? Have you been dia­gno­sed with a chro­nic ill­ness? Are you expe­ri­en­cing emo­tio­nal turm­oil in your fami­ly? Try Trau­ma, Shock and Loss Sta­bi­li­zer Brain Shot. 

Food Fear Shifter 

Do you find it dif­fi­cult to give up a luxu­ry item that is bad for you? Or do you have an inex­pli­ca­ble aver­si­on or fear of cer­tain foods that are healt­hy? Then you should try the Food Fear Brain Shot. 

Cra­vings Shifter 

Do you suf­fer from food cra­vings that just won’t satia­te? Do you need help redu­cing your fat inta­ke? Would you like to kick your caf­feine or salt addic­tion? Then try this Cra­vings Shif­ter Brain Shot. 

Guilt and Shame Shifter Medical Medium® Brain Shot
Guilt and Shame Shifter 

Have you lost con­fi­dence in yours­elf? Do you feel infe­ri­or or like you’­re not good enough? If you’­re fee­ling asha­med or guil­ty in any way, try this Guilt and Shame Shif­ter Brain Shot. 

Ner­ve Shifter 

Do you suf­fer from rest­less leg syn­dro­me? Are you plagued by ran­dom cramps, twit­ches or tics? Do you feel shaky or anxious? Then try this Ner­ve Shif­ter Brain Shot.

Glass with Betrayal and Broken Trust Stabilizer
Betra­y­al and Bro­ken Trust Stabilizer 

Are you strugg­ling with betra­y­al and bro­ken trust? Are you going through a tough time becau­se you feel like your body or a per­son has let you down? Are you stres­sed out by not being taken serious­ly? Then this Betra­y­al and Bro­ken Trust Sta­bi­li­zer Brain Shot can pro­vi­de you with quick relief. 

Plate of spinach soup
Spin­ach soup 

This raw, fat-free yet rich soup is an inte­gral part of the 3:6:9 liver cle­an­se. It is a tre­at for the liver and is quick to prepare.
