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Coconut water

The health bene­fits of coco­nut water are very diver­se. It is recom­men­ded for heart dise­a­ses, skin dise­a­ses, for bet­ter hydra­ti­on, high blood pres­su­re, mul­ti­ple scle­ro­sis, Parkinson’s and also for weight loss. 
Open coconut with a glass of coconut water

In Coco­nut waterr It con­ta­ins many vit­amins of the B com­plex, as well as the mine­rals zinc, pot­as­si­um, cal­ci­um, man­gane­se, iron and magne­si­um. It is a very nut­ri­tious, refres­hing and cle­an­sing juice that tas­tes slight­ly sweet. Coco­nut water is a per­fect source of elec­tro­lytes. Our favo­ri­te aut­hor app­re­cia­tes it as a natu­ral iso­to­nic drink that has the same elec­tro­ly­tic balan­ce that pre­vails in our blood. Coco­nut water is a won­derful, uni­ver­sal donor becau­se it is iden­ti­cal to the human plas­ma that makes up our body at 55 %. 

Coconut water as an emergency plasma transfusion

It is clai­med that drin­king… Coco­nut water equi­va­lent to an imme­dia­te blood trans­fu­si­on. During the 1941–1945 Paci­fic War, coco­nut water tap­ped direct­ly from coco­nuts was regu­lar­ly used by both war­ring par­ties to give to woun­ded sol­diers as emer­gen­cy plas­ma trans­fu­si­ons. Coco­nut water has also pro­ven to be hel­pful in com­ba­ting can­cer, throm­bo­sis and skin aging due to its high cyto­ki­nin con­tent. Meta­bo­lism and diges­ti­on are signi­fi­cant­ly sup­port­ed by the bio­ac­ti­ve enzy­mes it contains. 

Coconut water for weight loss

The­re Coco­nut water is low in calo­ries, it is ide­al for weight loss. For anyo­ne who leads busy, acti­ve lives, inclu­ding ath­le­tes, it is an essen­ti­al drink becau­se it is able to hydra­te the body at a deep, cel­lu­lar level. It is also very hel­pful in streng­thening the immu­ne sys­tem, and also helps balan­ce pH levels and redu­ce the risk of kid­ney stones by sup­port­ing the kid­neys in fil­te­ring toxins. 

Coconut water for the skin

To care for the skin Coco­nut water ide­al and can be used extern­al­ly to mois­tu­ri­ze and soo­t­he the skin. As a uni­ver­sal drink, coco­nut water is also safe during pregnan­cy, infants and con­va­le­s­cence. In tro­pi­cal regi­ons such as Hawaii, South Flo­ri­da, the Phil­ip­pi­nes, Ber­mu­da, Jamai­ca, Bra­zil, Thai­land and India, young, green coco­nuts are available all year round. You can also order it online in tetra­paks or buy it in supermarkets. 


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