
New: Soo­t­he Wise Syrup from Vimergy®:

New: Soo­t­he Wise Syrup from Vimergy®:

Celery juice male

Celery juice & Co

Com­pli­ant nut­ri­ti­on made easy.


The books of Antho­ny Wil­liam in German.

Vimer­gy supplements

Offi­ci­al­ly recom­men­ded die­ta­ry supplement.

Celery juice & Co 4

Cherry Lime Smoothie 

This smoothie com­bi­nes the sweet frui­tin­ess of cher­ries with the tan­gy fresh­ness of 

Celery juice & Co 5

Wild blueber­ries

Save 5 % on wild blueber­ries from Cana­da with cou­pon code: SELLERIESAFT

Celery juice & Co 6

Red lentil rolls 

Glu­ten-free, high in pro­te­in and easy to prepa­re – the­se red len­til rolls are a delicious 

Celery juice & Co 7

Total Immu­ne Blend

with mull­ein, thy­me and zinc:

Celery juice & Co 8

Pre­mi­um Med­jool dates

Save 5 % with the vou­ch­er code: SELLERIESAFT
Celery juice & Co 9

Chana Masala 

Immer­se yours­elf in the world of Indi­an cui­sine and try this delicious 

Hurom H330P Slow Juicer

Slow jui­cer H330P

Save 10 % on the top jui­cer with vou­ch­er code: SELLERIESAFT10

Celery juice & Co 10

Chickpea dumpling soup 

Soup and dum­pling lovers, watch out! The tasty chick­pea dum­pling soup is a healt­hy alter­na­ti­ve to the classic 

Celery juice & Co 11

Com­pli­ant reci­pe books

Cook com­pli­ant­ly

Beetroot patties on baking paper

Beetroot patties 

Jui­cy bee­troot com­bi­ned with chick­peas are the basis for this simple 

Celery juice & Co 12

Kasi­mir + Lieselotte

Save 5 % on com­pli­ant pro­ducts like Dul­se or orga­nic gly­ce­rin with a vou­ch­er: SELLERIESAFT

Glass bowl with date-carrot balls

Date-carrot balls 

The­se litt­le power packs pro­vi­de quick ener­gy, tas­te deli­cious and are quick to make. 
