
New: Soo­t­he Wise Syrup from Vimergy®:

New: Soo­t­he Wise Syrup from Vimergy®:

Negative Energy Exposure

Can’t get rid of depres­sing, bad thoughts? Do things seem to be going wrong in your life or are you fee­ling unhap­py? Then this Nega­ti­ve Ener­gy Expo­sure Brain Shot can be a hel­pful mea­su­re for you. 

This is a hel­pful shot for tho­se times when:

  • You feel an inex­pli­ca­ble sad­ness coming over you
  • You expe­ri­ence a con­fron­ta­ti­on or misun­derstan­ding with ano­ther person
  • Unre­sol­ved anger ari­ses within you or ano­ther person
  • You’­re having a bad day
  • Things in your life seem to be going wrong or you feel unhappy
  • You’­re afraid of some­thing or someone and you can’t shake it
  • You feel bad after a bad dream
  • You have to stay strong becau­se you have no choice but to be with someone e.g. For exam­p­le, with a fri­end or col­le­ague who you feel has nega­ti­ve ener­gy or a con­sis­t­ent­ly nega­ti­ve attitude
  • You spend time with someone who is strugg­ling with men­tal health issues that may cau­se them to feel angry or sad
  • When you are around someone who is strugg­ling to the point of being suicidal
  • You can’t get rid of depres­sing, bad thoughts

Ingre­di­ents for 1–2 shots: 

(The Ame­ri­can cup mea­su­re­ment includes the amount of approx. 250 ml per cup.)


Juice all ingre­di­ents in a jui­cer in the order lis­ted. Put through a sie­ve again. 

Pour into a glass and serve! 

Allow 15 to 30 minu­tes befo­re and after this eli­xir to eat or drink for 15 to 30 minutes.


Pho­tos: Maar­ja Urb

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