
New: Soo­t­he Wise Syrup from Vimergy®:

New: Soo­t­he Wise Syrup from Vimergy®:

Rugelach cookies

The nut­ty, sweet wal­nut fil­ling makes the­se coo­kies a temp­ting tre­at for spe­cial occa­si­ons. They are also ide­al as a break-time snack for the children’s school cans. 

Ingre­di­ents for 16 cookies: 

For the filling: 


To make the coo­kie dough, mix the ground lin­seed, app­le­sauce, coco­nut blos­som sugar, vanil­la and coco­nut oil in a bowl. Whisk until the dough is nice and even.

Mix the oat flour, brown rice flour and tapio­ca flour in ano­ther bowl. Now add the wet ingre­di­ents to the dry and stir until a uni­form, soft dough is for­med. Divi­de the dough in half and shape into disks. Wrap in pla­s­tic wrap or parch­ment paper and place in the ref­ri­ge­ra­tor for 30 minutes.

Put all the ingre­di­ents for the fil­ling in a food pro­ces­sor and mix until a uni­form, crum­bly mix­tu­re is formed.

Pre­heat the oven to 180 degrees. Line a bak­ing sheet with parch­ment paper.

Take a disk of dough out of the ref­ri­ge­ra­tor. Roll out the dough bet­ween two sheets of parch­ment paper into a cir­cle about 1/8 inch thick. Spread half of the fil­ling in an even lay­er over the dough.

Using a piz­za cut­ter or sharp kni­fe, cut the dough into eight equal wed­ges. Roll up each pie­ce, start­ing with the wide edge and ending with the tip. If the dough beco­mes very soft, put it back in the free­zer for a few minutes.

Place the coo­kies on the pre­pared bak­ing sheet and repeat the pro­cess with the remai­ning dough – you should end up with 16 rugelach.

Bake the coo­kies for 14–18 minu­tes, until light­ly brow­ned. They will firm up as they cool. Allow the coo­kies to cool brief­ly on the bak­ing sheet, then trans­fer to a wire rack and allow to cool com­ple­te­ly. It is best to store them in an air­tight con­tai­ner at room tem­pe­ra­tu­re until needed. 

Enjoy them!


Pho­tos: Maar­ja Urb

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