
New: Soo­t­he Wise Syrup from Vimergy®:

New: Soo­t­he Wise Syrup from Vimergy®:

Millet balls with baby carrots in dill mustard sauce

A slight­ly more com­plex reci­pe that can be pre­pared in the hot air fry­er or in the pan. Mil­let is the grain that is recom­men­ded first in a grain-based diet. 

Ingre­di­ents for 6 servings: 

Mil­let balls:

Dill mus­tard sauce:

Com­pli­ant mustard:


To prepa­re, you need to start making the com­pli­ant mus­tard the day befo­re. To do this, place the mus­tard seeds in a flat form in the lemon juice until they are com­ple­te­ly cover­ed with liquid. After a few hours, the grains have absor­bed the juice and the top lay­er is expo­sed. Then add enough water until ever­y­thing is cover­ed with liquid again. Let it steep overnight.

The next day, put the mix­tu­re and liquid into a blen­der, add the coar­se­ly chop­ped pars­ley lea­ves, sea salt and map­le syrup and puree vigo­rous­ly until all the ingre­di­ents are mixed into a cre­a­my mass. Sea­son again and pour into screw-top jars. Then put the­se in the fridge.

Wash the gol­den mil­let tho­rough­ly in a sie­ve under cold run­ning water. Strain the vege­ta­ble broth and bring it to the boil with the mil­let. Let it steep for about 15 – 20 minu­tes with the lid (depen­ding on the ins­truc­tions on the packa­ge) and then let it cool wit­hout the lid.
Fine­ly gra­te the pee­led car­rots with a gra­ter, wash and dry the spin­ach lea­ves and fine­ly dice the oni­on.
In a coa­ted pan wit­hout fat, fry the oni­on cubes until trans­lu­cent and add the spin­ach lea­ves until they col­lap­se. Then remo­ve from heat. The coo­led mil­let tog­e­ther with the oni­ons and the
Place spin­ach in a lar­ge bowl. Fold in the gra­ted car­rots, oat flakes and all the spi­ces inclu­ding the salt and sea­son with ground pepper.

Form about 12 balls from the mix­tu­re and fry them 6 at a time in a hot air fry­er at 180 degrees for about 15 – 20 minu­tes until gol­den, until they are nice and cris­py. Turn them careful­ly every now and then so that they don’t stick to the grid base of the fry­ing bas­ket. Note: If you like some­thing hear­tier and don’t value low-fat dis­hes, you can also shape the mix­tu­re into pat­ties and fry them in hot coco­nut oil.
Peel the baby car­rots and fry them in a pan until desi­red brow­ning. Sea­son with a litt­le salt and ground pep­per and let it cook over a low heat.

Mean­while, for the sau­ce, mix and warm 200 ml of almond milk and cas­hew milk. Stir in the salt and mus­tard and bring to the boil while stir­ring. Mix the remai­ning 50 ml of almond milk with the arrow­root flour and add to the sau­ce to thi­c­ken until the desi­red bin­ding is achie­ved. If neces­sa­ry, do not use ever­y­thing and pro­ceed with cau­ti­on and use less as it can drag on.

Now add the chop­ped dill tips as well as the map­le syrup and lemon juice and sea­son the sau­ce again.

Ser­ve ever­y­thing tog­e­ther hot in a deep plate.

Bon appe­tit!

More such fan­ta­stic recipes are in Gün­ther Karl’s cook­books to find:

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