
Dis­co­ver the offi­ci­al­ly recom­men­ded products:

Dis­co­ver the offi­ci­al­ly recom­men­ded products:


Smo­ked oni­on and bean stew 

When it gets uncom­for­ta­ble out­side, this smo­ked oni­on and bean stew is just the thing. The smo­ked papri­ka pow­der gives this hear­ty stew its spe­cial taste.

Mari­na­ted car­rots on millet 

Car­rots with a dif­fe­rence! Mari­na­ted in a fla­vorful mari­na­de and baked in the oven, the­se aro­ma­tic car­rots are a tre­at on a bed of mil­let. The refres­hing toma­to top­ping is the icing on the cake. 

The fat-free morning 

The “fat-free mor­ning” allows your liver and the rest of your body to con­ti­nue deto­xi­fy­ing mid-mor­ning. Today we are expo­sed to count­less toxins and the­r­e­fo­re it is impe­ra­ti­ve to sup­port our bodies with appro­pria­te measures.

Mil­let and oat toast with linseeds 

Tasty, light and not too dry, this com­pli­ant oat mil­let toast is ide­al for both sweet and spi­cy spreads. Psyl­li­um husks are avo­ided and ins­tead bound with linseed. 

Anja’s gin­ger­b­read cookies 

The­se deli­cious coo­kies are easy to make and can be gla­zed and deco­ra­ted to your heart’s con­tent. Enjoy­ment wit­hout reg­ret, not just during Advent.
