
New: Soo­t­he Wise Syrup from Vimergy®:

New: Soo­t­he Wise Syrup from Vimergy®:

Raw blueberry pie

This deli­cious cake is made using only raw ingre­di­ents and is a sweet tre­at for anyo­ne who likes dates and figs. Wild blueber­ries with a dif­fe­rence! The cake also tas­tes very good with raspberries. 
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For the base, fine­ly chop 100 g of dates and the figs with the coco­nut flakes (alter­na­tively coco­nut flour) in a food pro­ces­sor until a crum­bly mass is for­med. Line a small spring­form pan with bak­ing paper and spread the mix­tu­re into it, rai­sing a small edge and pres­sing it down. Then put it in the free­zer for 1/2 hour.
For the fil­ling, add the wild blueber­ries, chia seeds and lemon juice to the blen­der with the remai­ning 100 g of dates. Add a litt­le water and mix until ever­y­thing gels. This takes lon­ger with fro­zen ber­ries than with fresh ones. Spread the mix­tu­re on the flo­or. Final­ly, put it in the fri­dge for at least 4 hours or in the free­zer for 1/2 hour. 

Bon appe­tit!

We would like to thank Fran­zi Mau­si, who dis­co­ver­ed the reci­pe in the community. 

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