
Toxic Heavy Metals Exposure

Have you recent­ly had den­tal tre­at­ment with fluo­ri­de? Have you had to brea­the in the smell of air fres­he­ners or per­fu­me? Have you recent­ly been out­doors during a fire­works dis­play? Then take this Toxic Hea­vy Metals Expo­sure Brain Shot. 
Glass with Toxic Heavy Metals Exposure Brain Shot

This cle­an­sing shot is spe­ci­fi­cal­ly tar­ge­ted at recent expo­sure to toxic hea­vy metals and helps pre­vent the buil­dup of toxic hea­vy metals deep within the body. This shot can be used as an addi­tio­nal the­ra­py to the hea­vy metal detox smoothies in Chap­ter 44, “Hea­vy Metal Detox,” Heal Your Brain, which are desi­gned to extra­ct toxic hea­vy metals that have alre­a­dy sett­led in the organs, while pro­vi­ding ongo­ing sup­port for toxic hea­vy metal loads in the blood­stream, lymph or intesti­nal tract.
Ide­al times to use this brain shot against toxic hea­vy metal pol­lu­ti­on include:

  • Den­tal tre­at­ments, such as B. the rem­oval of mer­cu­ry fil­lings (amal­gam) or new fil­lings of any kind (inclu­ding all com­po­si­te fillings)
  • Fluo­ri­de tre­at­ments, braces or braces 
  • Food pre­pared on a grill or other type of cookout
  • Con­sum­ing food in restau­rants or drinks in cof­fee chains that use muni­ci­pal tap water to prepa­re food and drinks
  • Inha­ling air fres­he­ners, fra­gran­ces, per­fu­mes, colo­gnes, scen­ted cand­les, laun­dry deter­gents, or fabric softeners
  • Smel­ling smo­ke from some­thing bur­ning and not kno­wing whe­re the smo­ke is coming from or how pure the fuel is
  • get your hair done at a salon
  • be expo­sed to syn­the­tic fragrances
  • Remain in or near are­as that have recent­ly been spray­ed with pesti­ci­des, her­bici­des or insecticides
  • Stay­ing out­doors during or after fireworks

Ingre­di­ents for 1–2 Toxic Hea­vy Metals Brain Shots:

  • 1/2 cup tight­ly packed fresh cilantro
  • 1/3 cup tight­ly packed arugula
  • 1/3 cup fine­ly chop­ped cab­ba­ge (red or green), tight­ly packed
  • 1/2 cup fresh or tha­wed fro­zen Wild blueber­ries or 2 tab­les­poons pure wild blueber­ry juice or 1 tab­les­poon pure wild blueber­ry powder”
  • 1 to 2 stalks of celery
  • 1/2 to 1 oran­ge or 1 to 2 tan­ge­ri­nes, pee­led (optio­nal)
  • 1/2 teas­poon Spi­ru­li­na

(The Ame­ri­can cup size includes approx. 250 ml per cup) 


Juice all ingre­di­ents in a jui­cer in the order lis­ted. Put through a sie­ve again. 

Pour into a glass and serve! 


Allow 15 to 30 minu­tes befo­re and after this eli­xir to eat or drink for 15 to 30 minutes.


Pho­tos: Maar­ja Urb

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