
Betrayal and Broken Trust Stabilizer

Are you strugg­ling with betra­y­al and bro­ken trust? Are you going through a tough time becau­se you feel like your body or a per­son has let you down? Are you stres­sed out by not being taken serious­ly? Then this Betra­y­al and Bro­ken Trust Sta­bi­li­zer Brain Shot can pro­vi­de you with quick relief. 

This Brain shot from offers sup­port if:

  • you feel like you are being play­ed with or not being taken seriously
  • you have been told that your body has betray­ed you
  • you feel betray­ed, aban­do­ned, negle­c­ted, over­loo­ked, used or mistrea­ted in any way
  • you have been manipulated
  • someone or some­thing you have trus­ted in dis­ap­points you or lets you down
  • You feel like you’­ve let down someone you care about
  • you set your mind to some­thing and it does­n’t come true

Ingre­di­ents for 1–2 brain shots


Juice all ingre­di­ents except the cin­na­mon in a jui­cer in the order lis­ted. Final­ly, sprink­le or stir the cin­na­mon on top. 

Pour into a glass and ser­ve. (Lea­ve 15–30 minu­tes away from other drinks or food befo­re and after drin­king the Brain Shot.)


Pho­tos: Maar­ja Urb

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