
New: Soo­t­he Wise Syrup from Vimergy®:

New: Soo­t­he Wise Syrup from Vimergy®:

Chana Masala

Immer­se yours­elf in the world of Indi­an cui­sine and be sure to try this deli­cious Cha­na Masa­la! The mix­tu­re of exo­tic spi­ces and ten­der chick­peas is sim­ply irre­sis­ti­ble – the per­fect com­fort food – and quick to make! 



  • Dice the oni­on and chop the garlic
  • Sau­té chop­ped oni­on and gar­lic cloves tog­e­ther with cumin pow­der, cori­an­der pow­der, turm­e­ric pow­der and a litt­le water in a pan or pot for 3 – 5 minutes
  • Puree gin­ger and tomatoes
  • Add the pre­vious­ly stea­m­ed ingre­di­ents to the toma­to-gin­ger puree and puree ever­y­thing together
  • Sim­mer toma­to pas­te and puree in a pan or pot for about 7 minutes 
  • Add chick­peas, lemon juice and optio­nal­ly some salt and water and let the who­le thing sim­mer for ano­ther 10 minutes
  • While the food is sim­me­ring, chop some parsley
  • Ser­ve the food and gar­nish with the fine­ly chop­ped parsley
  • Bon appe­tit

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