
Hurom at the best pri­ce + 10 % extra with cou­pon: SELLERIESAFT10

Hurom at the best pri­ce + 10 % extra with cou­pon: SELLERIESAFT10

Curry cauliflower with peas

For this tasty and quick dish, the cau­li­flower and green peas are first stea­m­ed. Sea­so­ned with cur­ry, turm­e­ric, gar­lic, gin­ger and cumin, the vege­ta­bles then get their spe­cial fla­vor by fur­ther steam­ing them in the pan. 


  • 1 medi­um cau­li­flower, cut into florets
  • 85g green peas, fresh or frozen
  • 30g chop­ped green onions
  • 2 cloves of gar­lic, minced
  • 1 tsp gra­ted fresh ginger
  • 3 tsp Cur­ry powder
  • 1/2 tsp ground turm­e­ric
  • 1/2 tsp ground cumin
  • 1/2 tsp ground coriander
  • 1/4 tsp Chi­li pow­der (optio­nal)
  • approx. 10 g fresh cori­an­der, rough­ly chop­ped for garnish


Steam the cau­li­flower and peas in a medi­um sau­ce­pan fit­ted with a steam­er for 3–4 minu­tes until just ten­der. Remo­ve the pot from the oven. 

Heat a lar­ge non­stick cera­mic skil­let over medi­um-high heat and add the green oni­ons, gar­lic and gin­ger. Cook until ever­y­thing beg­ins to sof­ten, 2 to 3 minu­tes. Add a spoon­ful of water if neces­sa­ry to pre­vent the vege­ta­bles from bur­ning. Redu­ce the heat and add the cur­ry pow­der, turm­e­ric, ground cumin, ground cori­an­der and chi­li pow­der (if using) to the pan and cook for 2 to 3 minu­tes. If the mix­tu­re sticks to the pan, add a litt­le water.

Add the stea­m­ed cau­li­flower, peas and 120ml water. Stir until well mixed and coa­ted. When all the water has eva­po­ra­ted and the peas are soft, remo­ve from heat. Ser­ve gar­nis­hed with fresh coriander.

Bon appe­tit!


Pho­tos: Sabi­ne Men­zel

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