
Dis­co­ver the offi­ci­al­ly recom­men­ded products:

Dis­co­ver the offi­ci­al­ly recom­men­ded products:

potato starch

Plate with crepes and berries

Wafer-thin cre­pes made from oat flour and pota­to starch are easy and quick to make and are both popu­lar as a des­sert and very appe­al­ing as a small, sweet snack bet­ween meals. 

Pota­to focaccia 

The dough for this flat­bread con­sists pri­ma­ri­ly of stea­m­ed pota­toes, cas­sa­va flour and pota­to starch, spi­ced up with spi­ces and rose­ma­ry. Easy to make, it goes very well with soups, salads or even with a deli­cious dip. 

Portion of Dürüm with cashew cream
Dürüm with cas­hew cream 

Fil­led dough rolls with a deli­cious cas­hew cream and fresh vege­ta­bles make this reci­pe a high­light. The­re are no limits to your crea­ti­vi­ty and you can modi­fy the fil­ling as desi­red to suit your own taste. 
