
Lentil and vegetable bread

Hear­ty and jui­cy in tas­te, this dish is sui­ta­ble as a fil­ling lunch or evening meal. A very good addi­ti­on is a fresh, colorful salad or any kind of vege­ta­ble side dish. 


For the glaze: 


Pre­heat the oven to 190°C and line a medi­um-sized loaf tin with bak­ing paper.

Place the len­tils in a fine-mesh sie­ve and rin­se under cold water.

In a medi­um sau­ce­pan, com­bi­ne len­tils, vege­ta­ble stock and bay leaf and bring to a boil. Cook for 15–20 minu­tes until the len­tils are soft but not mushy.

While the len­tils are coo­king, prepa­re the vege­ta­bles. Chop the oni­ons and gar­lic, dice the mush­rooms and chop the car­rots. In a non-stick cera­mic pan over medi­um heat, fry the oni­ons, car­rots and mush­rooms for 5–6 minu­tes, stir­ring occa­sio­nal­ly, until the oni­ons are trans­lu­cent. Add a litt­le water to pre­vent burning.

Next, add the gar­lic, smo­ked papri­ka, thy­me, ore­ga­no, toma­to pas­te and sea salt and cook for ano­ther 1–2 minu­tes until fra­grant and well com­bi­ned. Remo­ve from heat and set aside.

Once the len­tils are coo­ked, remo­ve the bay leaf and place the len­tils in a colan­der to remo­ve excess water. The more water remo­ved, the bet­ter. Put aside.

Place the oat flakes in a food pro­ces­sor and pro­cess until fine. Add the vege­ta­ble mix­tu­re and the len­tils and con­ti­nue to pul­se brief­ly. Some struc­tu­re should still be retai­ned. If neces­sa­ry, press the mix­tu­re down a few times with a spa­tu­la so that it can be gras­ped bet­ter by the knives. 

Once the mix­tu­re is well mixed, pour into the lined loaf tin and press the mix­tu­re firm­ly into the tin.

To make the gla­ze, in a small bowl, whisk tog­e­ther the toma­to pas­te, map­le syrup, lemon juice, water, gar­lic pow­der, oni­on pow­der and sea salt until smooth. Then spread the gla­ze on the bread.

Place the len­til bread in the pre­hea­ted oven and bake unco­ver­ed for 45–50 minu­tes until light­ly brow­ned around the edges.

Remo­ve from the oven and allow to cool in the tin for 10–15 minu­tes befo­re remo­ving and then slicing.

Ser­ve imme­dia­te­ly with chop­ped pars­ley on top. Or once coo­led, store in an air­tight con­tai­ner in the ref­ri­ge­ra­tor for 5 days.


Pho­tos: Maar­ja Urb

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