
My experiences with the Hurom H330P

This jui­cer ama­zes me every day. It is much fas­ter than all the slow jui­cers I know. Cele­ry juice is easy to make, even cucum­bers are no pro­blem for it. It does­n’t clog up even with lar­ger quan­ti­ties. The H330P is a clear recom­men­da­ti­on for anyo­ne who juices a lot! 
Juicer Hurom 330P on table

Sin­ce I’ve been eating cele­ry juice and the like for almost 5 years, I’ve used a few jui­cers. Initi­al­ly the inex­pen­si­ve Aicok to try out, then a ver­ti­cal model from Ome­ga for a long time and final­ly my daughter’s Ome­ga MM900. 

I recent­ly beca­me the proud owner of it Hurom H330P. If someone juices as much as I do and then pro­ces­ses such lar­ge quan­ti­ties at once, then they will easi­ly under­stand my enthu­si­asm for the Hurom H330P. 

This jui­cer can do some­thing that I did­n’t know befo­re from other juicers:

Save time with the H330P Slow Juicer

He also works wit­hout me at times! It’s a huge reli­ef and time saver if you juice more than just one stalk of cele­ry per day. The Hurom has a lar­ge fil­ling con­tai­ner into which you initi­al­ly fill the cele­ry, fruit, vege­ta­bles and leafy greens. Then you clo­se the lid and lea­ve the work to this fri­end­ly, ele­gant kit­chen assistant. He’s also quiet, but that’s just by the way. 

So while he’s jui­cing, I stand at my cut­ting board or at the sink and prepa­re the next ingre­di­ents: For exam­p­le, this is more cele­ry for 1.5 liters of cele­ry juice (washed the night befo­re), which I now just cut into 4–5 cm long pie­ces . Or cucum­bers and app­les, which I wash and rough­ly chop for cucum­ber-apple juice. I also con­su­me at least 500 g of leafy greens every day, most­ly in the form of juice, as I sim­ply can­not mana­ge that much leafy greens in a salad. In sum­mer a liter of melon juice is added. Also, every now and then one or two Brain Shots in dou­ble or tri­ple the amount, becau­se my hus­band also likes to drink Brain Shots. And when our daugh­ter visits, the amount quick­ly doubles. 

You see, a lot is coming tog­e­ther. I do all of this in one rush in the mor­ning and the best thing about it is that the jui­cer final­ly no lon­ger gets clog­ged with the amounts men­tio­ned below! I no lon­ger need any clea­ning in bet­ween, as I was used to befo­re. What a huge reli­ef, not only becau­se of the time saved, but my ner­ves also real­ly app­re­cia­te it. Anyo­ne who, like me, has often strug­g­led with making pick­le juice knows what I’m tal­king about. Which jui­cer crea­tes the bel­oved cucum­ber juice so quick­ly and wit­hout clog­ging? I did­n’t know anyo­ne yet. 

For exam­p­le, I recent­ly made 1.5 liters of cele­ry, 1 liter of melon juice, 800 ml of green juice and 0.4 liters of cucum­ber-apple juice direct­ly one after the other and it only took me a good half an hour. My fee­ling after this type of exten­ded mor­ning rou­ti­ne is sim­ply gre­at, becau­se from then on we can help our­sel­ves from the fri­dge and ever­y­thing is the­re rea­dy to hand. Now, in the cool sea­son, I take out the indi­vi­du­al juices 1 to 2 hours befo­re drin­king them becau­se other­wi­se they are too cold for us. I star­ted gro­wing sprouts again a few days ago and will soon be adding sprouts to my mor­ning jui­cing pro­gram again. 

Cleaning the Hurom H330P

Clea­ning the Hurom H330P takes 5.5 minu­tes inclu­ding dry­ing, which is lon­ger than the Ome­ga MM900 or MM1500. This is becau­se it has this lar­ge fil­ling con­tai­ner and the strai­ner is in 2 parts. Howe­ver, that does­n’t bother me becau­se my expe­ri­ence with the pre­vious devices makes me hap­py every day that I save so much time when jui­cing and that the who­le thing is fun too. 

For tho­se who juice a lot and in lar­ge quan­ti­ties and are loo­king for reli­ef and time saving in the mor­ning rou­ti­ne, this gre­at jui­cer is an opti­on worth considering. 

Tip: From Octo­ber 30th to Novem­ber 27th the Hurom com­pa­ny the H330P in the spe­cial edi­ti­on in a spe­cial offer with a gift set worth €272. It includes a mini blen­der (€109), a dehy­dra­tor (€99), a vacu­um sea­led jug (€29), a mug (€20) and a reci­pe book (€15).

An addi­tio­nal Dis­count of 10 % is available with the code Cele­ry juice10. Only while stocks last. 

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