
Ori­gi­nal recom­men­da­ti­ons from the USA:

Ori­gi­nal recom­men­da­ti­ons from the USA:

Leaf green

Juicer Hurom 330P on table
My expe­ri­en­ces with the Hurom H330P 

This jui­cer inspi­res me every day. It’s much fas­ter than any slow jui­cer I know. Cele­ry juice is easy to make, even cucum­bers are no pro­blem for him. It does­n’t clog even with lar­ger quan­ti­ties. THE H330P is a clear recom­men­da­ti­on for anyo­ne who does a lot of juicing! 

Rolled potato wraps filled with lettuce and sprouts
Pota­to wraps 

Wraps with an unu­su­al coa­ting made from pota­to dough make this deli­cious meal a healt­hy tre­at. Pota­toes are rich in bio­ac­ti­ve lys­i­ne, vit­amin B6 and potassium. 

Bananas smeared with date sauce on lettuce leaves
Bana­na salad boats 

Quick and easy to prepa­re, the­se bana­na salad boats are a deli­cious litt­le snack for both child­ren and adults. Com­bi­ning let­tuce with fruit dou­bles the healt­hy pro­per­ties of both.

Bur­ri­to bowl 

Crun­chy and aro­ma­tic deli­ca­ci­es from Mexi­can cui­sine make this bur­ri­to bowl a spe­cial tre­at. Raw cau­li­flower is easy to digest and so its full poten­ti­al can be used well. 

Nori rolls with mus­tard dip 

The­se vegan nori rolls are quick to make as deli­cious snacks for din­ner or to take away. The deli­cious sea vege­ta­bles delight the pala­te with their sal­ty note.

Glass bowl with salad with mango and tomato
Refres­hing salad with man­go and tomato 

This frui­ty salad with toma­toes and man­go is a refres­hing deli­ca­cy to take with you. The dres­sing is a sophisti­ca­ted sau­ce made from cas­hews and Bra­zil nuts. Ide­al as a sou­ve­nir to fri­ends’ parties.
