
Obsessive Thought Shifter

Do you suf­fer from obses­si­ve com­pul­si­ve dis­or­der? Are the­re recur­ring thoughts that tor­ment you? Are you try­ing to break repea­ted pain­ful thought pat­terns? Then try this Obses­si­ve Thought Shif­ter Brain Shot and find relief! 
Glass with Obsessive Thoughts Shifter

Try this shot if:

  • you are try­ing to break repe­ti­ti­ve pain­ful thought pat­terns that result from a dif­fi­cult situa­ti­on or emergency
  • you suf­fer from chro­nic obses­si­ve-com­pul­si­ve dis­or­der or expe­ri­ence a rel­ap­se or wor­sening of obses­si­ve-com­pul­si­ve sym­ptoms; this brain shot covers all forms and types of OCD
  • a song you don’t want to hear any­mo­re keeps play­ing in your head
  • Repe­ti­ti­ve thoughts that worry you play over and over again
  • Repe­ti­ti­ve thoughts cau­se you to per­form repe­ti­ti­ve actions
  • you hear voices in your head or expe­ri­ence thoughts that are dis­tur­bing, unpro­duc­ti­ve, and/or high­ly ques­tionable, and may tell you to do things that are not good or wise
  • A memo­ry of a past expe­ri­ence keeps pop­ping up in your head and it’s not hel­pful to keep thin­king about it

Ingre­di­ents for 1–2 shots: 


Juice all ingre­di­ents in a jui­cer in the order lis­ted. Put through a sie­ve again. 

Pour into a glass and ser­ve. (Lea­ve 15–30 minu­tes away from other drinks or food befo­re and after drin­king the Brain Shot.)


Pho­tos: Maar­ja Urb

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