
Date-carrot balls

The­se litt­le power packs pro­vi­de quick ener­gy, tas­te deli­cious and are quick to make. The car­rots they con­tain give them an unex­pec­ted­ly jui­cy note. 
Glass bowl with date-carrot balls

Ingre­di­ents for approx. 10 balls (approx. 2 cm diameter):


Wash the car­rot and gra­te it fine­ly.
Put the dates, car­rot, cas­hews, coco­nut flour, map­le syrup, cin­na­mon and gin­ger in a blen­der or food pro­ces­sor and mix ever­y­thing.
Form balls from the mix­tu­re.
Optio­nal: Coat the balls in coco­nut flakes, pita­ya pow­der, wild blueber­ry pow­der, Bar­ley grass juice pow­der or Spi­ru­li­na pow­der roll.
Store in the ref­ri­ge­ra­tor until rea­dy to serve.


Pho­tos: Maar­ja Urb

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