
Ori­gi­nal recom­men­da­ti­ons from the USA:

Ori­gi­nal recom­men­da­ti­ons from the USA:


Bowl of strawberry salsa
Straw­ber­ry salsa 

This sal­sa is a very refres­hing deli­ca­cy that is a suc­cessful com­bi­na­ti­on of sweet and savo­ry fla­vors. It tas­tes deli­cious on its own as a snack, with a green salad, as a fil­ling for pep­per hal­ves or on cucum­ber slices. 

Glass with Relationship Breakups Stabilizer
Rela­ti­onship Brea­kups Stabilizer 

Are you going through a dif­fi­cult pha­se in your rela­ti­onship? Or do you feel like the­re is no solu­ti­on to unre­sol­ved pro­blems in your fami­ly or with fri­ends? Then try the Rela­ti­onship Brea­kups Sta­bi­li­zer Brain Shot. 

Fin­ding Your Purpose 

Do you feel lost or out of place? Do you feel like you are not living the life you were meant to live? Or do you feel like you have lost your free will? Then try the Fin­ding Your Pur­po­se Brain Shot. 

Straw­ber­ry lemon slices 

The frui­ty sweet­ness of straw­ber­ries com­bi­nes with the refres­hing aci­di­ty of lemons in the­se straw­ber­ry lemon sli­ces. The wal­nut crum­bles har­mo­nious­ly round off the deli­cious slices.
