
New: Soo­t­he Wise Syrup from Vimergy®:

New: Soo­t­he Wise Syrup from Vimergy®:

Hash browns

The cris­py crust makes the­se redu­ced-fat pota­to ros­ti a deli­cious meal. If you don’t use fat at all when fry­ing, then sugar-free app­le­sauce is a per­fect addition. 



For a very lar­ge por­ti­on of Rös­ti, peel 500 g of semi-firm pota­toes. First, the pota­to mix­tu­re is squeezed out in a tea towel by rol­ling it up in the cloth. The pota­toes should be quite dry afterwards.

It is sea­so­ned with salt and nut­meg. (I also tried using chop­ped oni­ons, but unfort­u­na­te­ly they tur­ned out a bit too dark due to the long fry­ing time). Oni­on pow­der is also optional.

A very lar­ge pan is best for bak­ing; the rös­ti should be the size of a plate.

The pan is hea­ted to medi­um heat and brushed with a litt­le coco­nut oil. Then spread the pota­to mix­tu­re in it and imme­dia­te­ly flat­ten it with the spa­tu­la. The dough should not be touch­ed for the next 15 minu­tes. Only after the­se 15 minu­tes, turn it over with the spa­tu­la and bake the other side for ano­ther 15 minu­tes. The heat is allo­wed not too strong be.

If you don’t use fat at all when fry­ing, then app­le­sauce goes very well with it. If the natu­ral sweet­ness of the app­les isn’t enough for you, you can map­le syrup sweeten.

Bon appe­tit

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