
Ori­gi­nal recom­men­da­ti­ons from the USA:

Ori­gi­nal recom­men­da­ti­ons from the USA:


Potato and onion flatbread on baking paper
Pota­to and oni­on flatbread 

If you have some stea­m­ed pota­toes left over from the day befo­re, this snack is very easy to prepa­re. The pota­to and oni­on flat­bread is par­ti­cu­lar­ly sui­ta­ble as a small appe­ti­zer befo­re a main meal or as a tasty snack in bet­ween meals. 

Green asparagus with hollandaise sauce
Vegan hol­lan­dai­se sauce 

This vegan hol­lan­dai­se sau­ce is won­derful­ly cre­a­my and goes excel­lent­ly with aspa­ra­gus and pota­toes. The typi­cal egg fla­vor is achie­ved by adding Kala Namak (black salt). 

Plate with Asian potato pan
Asi­an pota­to stir-fry 

A small, fine dish that is quick to prepa­re and who­se charm lies par­ti­cu­lar­ly in the shii­ta­ke mush­rooms. This pota­to pan tas­tes very har­mo­nious becau­se the slight spi­ci­ness balan­ces out well with the sweet­ness of the sugar snap peas. 

Cannelloni on white plate

The Ita­li­an clas­sic can­nel­lo­ni in a fat, grain and dairy-free ver­si­on is a tasty alter­na­ti­ve to the ori­gi­nal. Zuc­chi­ni replaces the nood­les, they are fil­led with ‘pota­to cheese’ and ser­ved in a spi­cy toma­to sau­ce. Delicate! 

Bowl of butternut potato hash
But­ter­nut pota­to hash 

This dish offers a dou­ble pack of glu­co­se through the use of pota­toes and pump­kin, sea­so­ned with thy­me, rose­ma­ry, gar­lic and papri­ka pow­der. An uncom­pli­ca­ted ever­y­day dish that can be pre­pared quickly. 

Plate of spaghetti carbonara
Spa­ghet­ti carbonara 

This rice spa­ghet­ti in a cre­a­my pota­to and cau­li­flower sau­ce is per­fect for fans of pas­ta dis­hes. The spi­cy egg­plant strips replace the bacon from the original. 

Pan­ca­kes with spring onions 

Stea­m­ed pota­toes are the basis for the savo­ry pan­ca­kes and cas­sa­va flour is the glu­ten-free bin­ding agent. The spi­cy flat­breads are com­ple­men­ted by a par­ti­cu­lar­ly deli­cious dip based on map­le syrup and lemon juice, which gets its fiery spi­ci­ness from chi­li and gar­lic powder. 

Stea­m­ed cab­ba­ge rolls 

In this reci­pe, cab­ba­ge rolls with a fat-free fil­ling of mush­rooms, pota­toes, cau­li­flower, pep­pers and snow peas are ser­ved with a spi­cy sau­ce. Ide­al on cool days and visual­ly some­thing very special. 

Mushroom and potato wraps on lettuce leaves
Mush­room and pota­to wraps 

Spi­cy, sea­so­ned, fried mush­rooms make the­se irre­sis­ti­ble pota­to dough wraps so appe­al­ing. The deli­cious, thin­ly baked wraps are packed with healt­hy herbs and spices. 

Pota­to focaccia 

The dough for this flat­bread con­sists pri­ma­ri­ly of stea­m­ed pota­toes, cas­sa­va flour and pota­to starch, spi­ced up with spi­ces and rose­ma­ry. Easy to make, it goes very well with soups, salads or even with a deli­cious dip. 

Plate of spicy potatoes with cucumber in tomato-mustard sauce
Spi­cy pota­toes with cucum­ber in toma­to-mus­tard sauce 

If you’­re in a hur­ry, then this spi­cy pota­to spe­cial­ty is a good choice. Spi­cy and with a frui­ty-spi­cy note, the dish is also inex­pen­si­ve and par­ti­cu­lar­ly sui­ta­ble for sum­mer, when toma­toes and cucum­bers are in peak season. 

Bowl of baked tomato soup
Baked toma­to soup with pota­to croutons 

This easy to prepa­re baked toma­to soup is a tru­ly deli­cious tre­at thanks to the heat of the chi­li, the sweet­ness of the honey and the spi­ce of the gar­lic. The cris­py pota­to crou­tons trans­form the soup into a full-fled­ged main course.

Plate of garam masala potatoes
Garam masa­la potatoes 

The Indi­an spi­ce mix­tu­re garam masa­la gives this pota­to pan its spi­cy-sweet tas­te. The dish is easy to cook, inex­pen­si­ve and can easi­ly be sup­ple­men­ted with other vege­ta­bles, such as: E.g. leek and broccoli.

Herb pota­to spirals 

This reci­pe pres­ents pota­toes in a com­ple­te­ly dif­fe­rent way. The cris­py pota­to spi­rals tas­te won­derful­ly spi­cy and, tog­e­ther with the cas­hew herb dip, are a deli­cious way to enjoy the valuable pro­per­ties of the pota­toes in a varied way.

Bowl of Creamy Stew
Cre­a­my pota­to stew 

A colorful stew that can be enjoy­ed with two deli­cious varia­ti­ons. The fat-free ver­si­on gets its cre­a­mi­ness from addi­tio­nal pota­toes, the fat-free opti­on con­ta­ins coco­nut or almond milk. 

Rösti omelet with rocket
Hash brown omelette 

This tasty ome­let is per­fect for a hear­ty break­fast, brunch or com­bi­ned with a green salad for a deli­cious din­ner. As a fat-free varia­ti­on, you can also lea­ve out the avo­ca­do; the rös­ti still tas­tes very good wit­hout it. 

Quiche dish with potato and cherry tomato casserole
Pota­to and cher­ry toma­to casserole 

This cas­se­ro­le is a gre­at alter­na­ti­ve to simp­le mas­hed pota­toes and a real eye-cat­cher. It goes well as a side dish to a fes­ti­ve meal, but it can also be enjoy­ed as a meal on its own. 

Plate of falafel waffles
Fal­a­fel waffles 

For fans of ori­en­tal fal­a­fel, the­se waf­f­les are a real tre­at. The­re is no deep-fry­ing in oil; ins­tead, the dough is fried fat-free in a non-stick cera­mic waff­le iron, ser­ved with a deli­cious cau­li­flower sauce. 

Dutch pea soup 

This inex­pen­si­ve, fil­ling and deli­cious stew is just right for cold days. It’s best to prepa­re a dou­ble batch, as lef­to­vers from the day befo­re tas­te even bet­ter becau­se the aro­ma of the peas and vege­ta­bles still lingers. 

Empanadas snack

This deli­cious pota­to-based snack is a tasty snack for in bet­ween, to take with you or ser­ved with a mixed salad – it also makes a fil­ling main meal. 

Fil­led pota­to dum­plings with mush­room sauce 

In this dish, pota­to dum­plings fil­led with chest­nuts are com­bi­ned with the spi­cy mush­room sau­ce. This makes a temp­ting deli­ca­cy for the cold sea­son that is both very fil­ling and plea­sant­ly warming. 

Coco­nut curry 

Coco­nut has an anti­pa­tho­ge­nic effect due to its lau­ric acid con­tent in con­junc­tion with other anti­oxi­dants it con­ta­ins. In addi­ti­on, the medi­um-chain fat­ty acids in coco­nut dis­sol­ve other fats and help remo­ve them from the body. 

EMF and 5G Exposure 

Do you spend a lot of time with com­pu­ters and com­pu­ter-con­trol­led tech­no­lo­gy? Do you tra­vel a lot by pla­ne? Do you live near a cell tower? Do you spend a lot of time on your cell pho­ne? Then try this EMF and 5G Expo­sure Brain Shot. 

Brussels sprout goulash 

This fat-free, vegan goulash is packed with nut­ri­ents. Brussels sprouts are a high­ly nut­ri­tious vege­ta­ble rich in anti­oxi­dants, phy­to­nu­tri­ents, vit­amins C, A and E, and alka­li­zing mine­rals such as cal­ci­um, iron and manganese.

Jalapeño potato poppers
Jala­pe­ño pota­to poppers 

Whe­ther as an appe­ti­zer in a cheerful group or as a small snack in bet­ween, the­se fat-free pota­to pop­pers delight on many occa­si­ons. Pota­toes are high in pot­as­si­um and vit­amin B6 and are an excel­lent source of ami­no acids, espe­ci­al­ly lysine.

Stuffed pepper wedges
Stuf­fed pep­per wedges 

Fin­ger food pre­pared very sim­ply, spi­cy and fat-free. Pep­pers are rich in vit­amin C and streng­then the immu­ne sys­tem, while pota­toes are a good source of lys­i­ne and are an anti-patho­ge­nic food. 

Cur­ry pota­to salad 

The ease of pre­pa­ra­ti­on is what makes this salad so popu­lar. Pota­toes are an excel­lent source of glu­co­se and res­to­re gly­co­gen stores in the brain, as well as sta­bi­li­ze the adre­nal glands.

Bra­zi­li­an “cheese” bread 

The­se deli­cious litt­le bread balls are cris­py on the out­side and soft on the insi­de. They are the per­fect litt­le snack bet­ween meals or a deli­cious accom­p­animent to vege­ta­bles, salad or other dishes. 

Potato and cauliflower soup according to Anthony William
Pota­to and cau­li­flower soup 

This cre­a­my pota­to and cau­li­flower soup gets its rich fla­vor from roas­ting the ingre­di­ents befo­re pure­e­ing them. The soup can be made with almond milk or fat-free with broth.

Nacho fries with salsa 

A varie­ty of fla­vors from cris­py fries, fat-free “nacho cheese” sau­ce, cara­me­li­zed oni­ons, sau­té­ed pep­pers, aro­ma­tic sal­sa and hot sau­ce make this dish a deli­cious meal. 

Stuf­fed peppers 

Mas­hed pota­toes with a dif­fe­rence! The­se stuf­fed pep­pers not only look good, they tas­te even bet­ter. Enjoy­ed with a green salad, they make a deli­cious, fat-free meal. 

Papri­ka ragout with gril­led pota­to thalers 

A jui­cy and spi­cy ragout that tas­tes deli­cious with the gril­led pota­to tha­lers. Plea­sant­ly fil­ling and yet fat-free, it is an ide­al com­bi­na­ti­on for using pota­toes in com­pli­ant cooking. 

Pota­to and leek gratin 

A hear­ty, fil­ling dish baked with a vegan sau­ce made from coco­nut and cas­hew milk. Par­ti­cu­lar­ly sui­ta­ble for tho­se who have a fond­ness for gra­tin and are loo­king for com­pli­ant alter­na­ti­ves wit­hout no-foods.

Pota­to and pea bites 

Fin­ger food at its finest! Sim­ply made and very tasty, the small pota­to and pea bites are a nice opti­on for a snack in bet­ween, a din­ner with a salad as a side dish or even for a buffet. 

Cau­li­flower mas­hed potatoes 

A cre­a­my, satis­fy­ing puree made from pota­toes and cau­li­flower that goes well with any type of vege­ta­ble. Also per­fect as a fil­ling for pep­pers. Quick­ly pre­pared, easy to make and of cour­se compliant.

Papri­ka and pota­to goulash 

This vegan goulash does not con­tain any fat and gets its deli­cious fla­vor from slow­ly degla­zing with red gra­pe juice. A very spe­cial note is also crea­ted by a touch of vanil­la pod and clove. 

Pota­to and dill salad 

Quick to make and yet so deli­cious, this pota­to salad is a love­ly addi­ti­on to any lunch or din­ner, bar­be­cue, pic­nic or social gathe­ring. The pota­to and dill salad is easy to prepa­re and tas­tes very good the next day too.

Aloo Matar 

The ulti­ma­te com­fort food, this Indi­an-inspi­red dish fea­tures peas and pota­toes in a mild toma­to cur­ry. The ori­en­tal spi­ces such as cur­ry and garam masa­la, tog­e­ther with the gin­ger and honey, crea­te an excep­tio­nal­ly tasty and spi­cy meal.

A crispy fat-free potato waffle on a blue and white plate
Fat-free pota­to waffles 

Simp­le as it gets! With just two ingre­di­ents you can con­ju­re up deli­cious, cris­py waf­f­les that tas­te deli­cious at any time of the day and pro­vi­de the body with heal­ing ingredients. 
