
All Vimer­gy sup­ple­ments at a glance:

All Vimer­gy sup­ple­ments at a glance:

Thumb biscuits with raspberry filling

If you want to heal, you don’t have to fore­go enjoy­ment. The­se frui­ty, nut­ty coo­kies tas­te deli­cious but do not con­tain any harmful ingre­di­ents. A per­fect tre­at for many occasions. 

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Ingre­di­ents for approx. 12 cookies: 


Pre­heat the oven to 180°C. 

Mix the almond flour, bak­ing pow­der and sea salt in a mixing bowl and set asi­de. Pro­cess tahi­ni, coco­nut sugar and vanil­la pow­der in a food pro­ces­sor until blen­ded smooth­ly. Of cour­se it can also be done by hand. Add the almond flour mix­tu­re to the food pro­ces­sor and pul­se until well com­bi­ned, other­wi­se incor­po­ra­te by hand. If the mix­tu­re is still crum­bly, add water a tab­les­poon at a time as nee­ded until a smooth dough forms.

Form 1‑inch balls of the dough and roll them in the sesa­me seeds befo­re pla­cing them on a bak­ing sheet lined with parch­ment paper. Lea­ve enough space bet­ween the coo­kies. Make a mark in the balls with your thumb and then bake the coo­kies in the pre­hea­ted oven for 8 to 10 minutes.

Remo­ve the coo­kies from the oven and fill each with 1 teas­poon of raspber­ry jam. Then place on a cake rack to cool. 


Pho­tos: Maar­ja Urb

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Wild blueber­ries

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Vimer­gy supplements

The recom­men­ded sup­ple­ments are available here:

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Kasi­mir + Lieselotte

Save 5 % on com­pli­ant pro­ducts like Dul­se or orga­nic gly­ce­rin with a vou­ch­er: SELLERIESAFT
