
Ori­gi­nal recom­men­da­ti­ons from the USA:

Ori­gi­nal recom­men­da­ti­ons from the USA:



Pla­s­tic has recei­ved more and more atten­ti­on in recent years; we inha­le, eat and drink pla­s­tic. We now have to think about how we can deal with it and what we can do.

Sliced blueberry banana bread
Blueber­ry bana­na bread 

This glu­ten-free, deli­cious blueber­ry bana­na bread is a tre­at for the body and can also be ser­ved as a cake. It gets its jui­cy con­sis­ten­cy from the mix­tu­re of blueber­ries and bananas.

gluten-free bread with spread and cucumber
Anja’s glu­ten-free bread 

Anja’s glu­ten-free bread is a won­derful alter­na­ti­ve to con­ven­tio­nal bread. It gets its good bak­ing pro­per­ties from pota­to flour and lin­seed flour. It is sui­ta­ble for the tran­si­ti­on to a fat-free diet.

Glasses with mango-pineapple-ginger smoothie
Man­go-pineapp­le-gin­ger smoothie 

This smoothie is a vit­amin bomb, deli­cious refresh­ment and gives you vita­li­ty! Man­goes are bene­fi­ci­al for the liver and opti­mi­ze the pro­duc­tion of bile.

What is the reason for bloating? 

Fla­tu­lence is wide­spread and yet usual­ly remains unex­plai­ned, alt­hough the sym­ptoms of full­ness, air in the sto­mach or sim­ply abdo­mi­nal pain can­not go unnoticed.

Plate of spinach soup
Spin­ach soup 

This raw, fat-free yet rich soup is an inte­gral part of the 3:6:9 liver cle­an­se. It is a tre­at for the liver and is quick to prepare.

Chickpea quiche on green cover
Chick­pea Quiche 

A deli­cious quiche that is based on chick­pea flour and does not con­tain any fat. Very fil­ling and ver­sa­ti­le. A plea­su­re cold and warm!

Bowl of banana and apple breakfast
Bana­na and apple breakfast 

This fil­ling break­fast with bana­na and apple is quick to prepa­re and makes you want to take a break from bread. Also very sui­ta­ble as a break­fast for child­ren so that they have enough ener­gy at school.
