
Banana and apple breakfast

This fil­ling break­fast with bana­na and apple is quick to prepa­re and makes you want to take a break from bread. It is also very sui­ta­ble as a break­fast for child­ren so that they get enough ener­gy for the day. 
Bowl of banana and apple breakfast
Click on the image to watch the video.

A start to the mor­ning that is frui­ty and fil­ling at the same time. He recom­mends the fat-free liver reli­ef mor­ning becau­se it gives the liver the oppor­tu­ni­ty not to con­cen­tra­te pri­ma­ri­ly on the ener­gy-con­sum­ing work of digest­ing fat. Ins­tead, she can con­ti­nue to car­ry out her extre­me­ly important task of deto­xi­fi­ca­ti­on. This is best done with easi­ly diges­ti­ble foods, such as: B. this fruit break­fast. For this reason, the num­ber of high-fat nuts should be careful­ly cho­sen so that it is not too rich.



Chop two nice, ripe bana­nas, a red-chee­ked apple and some cin­na­mon (depen­ding on your tas­te) with a few almonds (or wal­nuts) in the blen­der (or chop the apple into small pie­ces with a kni­fe and mash the bana­nas with a fork).

If you like it a litt­le cre­a­mier, you can sim­ply chop it a litt­le lon­ger or use the hand blen­der to help. Gar­nish as desi­red with a few lef­to­ver fruits and hal­ved gra­pes or other favo­ri­te fruits.
Enjoy your meal!


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