
Ori­gi­nal recom­men­da­ti­ons from the USA:

Ori­gi­nal recom­men­da­ti­ons from the USA:


Rösti omelet with rocket
Hash brown omelette 

This tasty ome­let is per­fect for a hear­ty break­fast, brunch or com­bi­ned with a green salad for a deli­cious din­ner. As a fat-free varia­ti­on, you can also lea­ve out the avo­ca­do; the rös­ti still tas­tes very good wit­hout it. 

Stuffed avocado veggie pinwheels next to parsley
Avo­ca­do veggie pinwheels 

The­se deli­cious tor­til­la bites are an attrac­ti­ve choice for a pic­nic as deli­cious fin­ger food or as a small snack. Fil­led with cre­a­my avo­ca­dos and vege­ta­bles that can be varied at any time, they offer a varie­ty of variety. 

Bur­ri­to bowl 

Crun­chy and aro­ma­tic deli­ca­ci­es from Mexi­can cui­sine make this bur­ri­to bowl a spe­cial tre­at. Raw cau­li­flower is easy to digest and so its full poten­ti­al can be used well. 

3 spreads 

Are you still loo­king for spreads that bring more varie­ty to the table and are quick to prepa­re? The guaca­mo­le, cas­hew spread and a pea pas­te are ful­ly compliant.

Sweet pota­to fries with guacamole 

Sweet pota­to fries with a fresh guaca­mo­le (avo­ca­do cream) pre­pared in accordance with the reci­pe. A quick and healt­hy fast food that child­ren also enjoy.
