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Green salad with French dressing

The sophisti­ca­ted and deli­cious dres­sing turns this other­wi­se simp­le salad into a com­ple­te­ly new and salt-free tas­te expe­ri­ence. The dres­sing also goes well with stea­m­ed potatoes. 

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Ingre­di­ents for 2 ser­vings:

For the dressing: 

For the salad: 

  • 240–320 g green let­tuce leaves
  • 1/2 cucum­ber, cut into thin slices
  • 3 or 4 medi­um toma­toes, thin­ly sliced
  • 1 oni­on, thin­ly sliced


Puree all the ingre­di­ents for the dres­sing in a blen­der until cre­a­my. Add a litt­le more lemon juice or map­le syrup if necessary. 

Mix the ingre­di­ents for the salad even­ly in a bowl. 

Drizz­le the dres­sing over the salad and enjoy immediately. 

Bon appe­tit!

Source: Heal the Brain, The Prac­ti­ce Program

Pho­tos: Sabi­ne Menzel

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