
Twice baked sweet potatoes

Baked sweet pota­toes are tos­sed with home­ma­de cas­hew cream and rai­sins, top­ped with rose­ma­ry pecan streu­sel, and baked for a few more minu­tes until the nut streu­sel is gol­den brown! 
Plate of baked sweet potatoes

Ingre­di­ents for 2 servings: 


Pre­heat the oven to 200°C.

Prick the sweet pota­toes with a fork. Bake in the oven for 30 to 50 minu­tes, until coo­ked through when pier­ced with a fork. Allow to cool slight­ly until you can hand­le them. 

In a food pro­ces­sor, fine­ly chop the pecans, rose­ma­ry and sea salt and set aside.

To make the cas­hew cream, puree the cas­hews, gar­lic, dates and the juice of half a lemon until smooth. Add water as nee­ded, approx. 120 ml.

When the sweet pota­toes are cool enough to hand­le, cut off ¼ of the top of each and careful­ly scra­pe out most, but not all, of the fle­sh. Put this hol­lo­wed out mix­tu­re into the food pro­ces­sor tog­e­ther with the cas­hew cream and the juice of half a lemon. Pro­cess until smooth. Stir in the rai­sins and spoon the mix­tu­re into each sweet pota­to shell. Sprink­le with the rose­ma­ry pecan crum­bles and bake for ano­ther 15 minu­tes until the pecans turn gol­den brown. 

Bon appe­tit!


Pho­tos: Maar­ja Urb

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