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Two different dressings for salad

The­se two fat-free salad dres­sings pam­per the pala­te and are very easy to prepa­re. They go per­fect­ly with almost all salads and are also very tasty for children. 

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Mango-tomato dressing


  • 1 man­go
  • 1 oran­ge
  • 1/2 lemon
  • 1/4 pep­pe­ro­ni
  • 1 handful of cock­tail tomatoes
  • 1 spring onion
  • 1/2 bunch of leaf coriander
  • sea-salt and pep­per


Cut the man­go, spring oni­on and pep­pers into small pie­ces. Squeeze the oran­ge and lemon and place in a kit­chen blen­der with the remai­ning ingre­di­ents. If you don’t like cori­an­der lea­ves in a salad, you can use basil or pars­ley ins­tead.
This frui­ty dres­sing also tas­tes good as a dip for raw vege­ta­bles or for stea­m­ed or baked baked potatoes.

Orange-herb dressing


  • 2 oran­ges
  • 1/2 lemon
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • Herbs such as basil, pars­ley, dill or wild herbs
  • sea-salt and pep­per


Squeeze the citrus fruits and mix them tog­e­ther with the pee­led gar­lic clove and the herbs in a kit­chen blender.

This dres­sing goes well with leaf let­tuce, mixed salad and cucum­ber salad. Adding half an avo­ca­do makes it even cre­a­mier, but it is no lon­ger fat-free.

Bon appe­ti­te!

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Wild blueber­ries

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Vimer­gy supplements

The recom­men­ded sup­ple­ments are available here:

Book recom­men­da­ti­ons
Kasi­mir + Lieselotte

Save 5 % on com­pli­ant pro­ducts like Dul­se or orga­nic gly­ce­rin with a vou­ch­er: SELLERIESAFT
