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Vegan lentil omelette

This vegan len­til ome­lette is quick to make and has a wide varie­ty of varia­ti­ons. By choo­sing the vege­ta­bles, you can easi­ly crea­te new pos­si­bi­li­ties. Ins­tead of len­til flour, chick­pea flour also works very well. 

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Ingre­di­ents for 2 omelettes: 


If you want to make the len­til flour yours­elf, then mix the len­tils in a high-per­for­mance blen­der for about 1 minu­te until you have fine len­til flour. 

In a bowl, mix the len­til flour with all the dry ingre­di­ents (tapio­ca flour, salt, gar­lic pow­der, black pep­per, cumin, smo­ked papri­ka, kala namak and turm­e­ric) until well com­bi­ned. Next, add the water and whisk until you get a rather run­ny batter. 

In one Cera­mic pan with non-stick coa­ting Fry the oni­on, pep­per and mush­rooms for a few minu­tes until soft, wit­hout adding any fat. Fine­ly chop the pars­ley and stir into the bat­ter. Then fold in the fried vege­ta­bles. Lea­ve to stand for a few minu­tes; this will impro­ve the con­sis­ten­cy of the omelette. 

Heat the pan again and pour in half of the bat­ter using a lad­le. After 3–4 minu­tes, flip it over with a spa­tu­la and bake the other side for a few minu­tes as well. 

Ser­ve imme­dia­te­ly and enjoy! 

Source: Ela­Vegan

Pho­tos: Maar­ja Urb

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