
Potato wraps

Wraps with an unu­su­al coa­ting made from pota­to dough make this deli­cious meal a healt­hy tre­at. Pota­toes are rich in bio­ac­ti­ve lys­i­ne, vit­amin B6 and potassium. 
Rolled potato wraps filled with lettuce and sprouts

Ingre­di­ents for 2 wraps: 

For the salad and pota­to wraps: 

For the salad filling: 

  • 2 to 3 let­tuce leaves
  • 1 handful of alfal­fa sprouts or others sprouts of your choice
  • 4 to 5 toma­to sli­ces, thin­ly sliced
  • 4 to 5 cucum­ber sli­ces, thin­ly sliced
  • 2 tbsp red oni­on rings
  • 1 to 2 tab­les­poons chop­ped basil or parsley

Pre­pa­ra­ti­on of the let­tuce and pota­to wraps: 

Pre­heat the oven to 200°C.

Wash the pota­toes and put them in a pot Steam use Steam gent­ly. Pro­cess the pota­toes with the peel, the spi­ces and the map­le syrup in a food pro­ces­sor into a smooth dough. (If you don’t have a food pro­ces­sor, this will also work High per­for­mance mixer for the pro­ces­sing pro­cess. It is hel­pful to pass the pota­toes manu­al­ly before­hand Pota­to press to squeeze. You may need to add some water when mixing.) 

Using a spa­tu­la (dip it in cold water), spread the smooth dough onto a bak­ing tray lined with bak­ing paper to form a round flat­bread. The mix­tu­re makes 2 flat cakes, which fit best on a bak­ing tray. (An expe­ri­ment with one flat­bread on two trays and fan heat did not pro­du­ce such a good result becau­se the flat­breads were not brown enough on the bottom.)

Bake the flat­breads for 15–20 minu­tes at 200°C, remo­ve from the oven and allow to cool com­ple­te­ly. Then turn the wraps over on a work sur­face and careful­ly peel off the bak­ing paper. 

For the fil­ling, first lay out the let­tuce lea­ves in the midd­le of the wraps. Then top with toma­to sli­ces, cucum­ber sli­ces, oni­on rings and sprouts one after the other. Basil or pars­ley goes on top. 

Now careful­ly roll up the wraps on a strip of bak­ing paper. Alter­na­tively, the wraps can be pla­ced in parch­ment paper bags. 

Bon appe­tit!


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