
Liver Rescue Smoothie

The Liver Res­cue Smoothie or Liver Heal­ing Smoothie is an indis­pensable part of liver cle­an­sing and is also a gre­at smoothie to sup­port the liver at any time with any illness. 

The Liver Res­cue Smoothie is a key reci­pe in the book Heal your liver, becau­se it is hel­pful for all types of chro­nic dise­a­ses and sym­ptoms by sup­port­ing the liver so effec­tively in deto­xi­fi­ca­ti­on. It is also a cen­tral reci­pe in the Heal your liver 3:6:9 cle­an­se, which is included in Heal Your Liver.

2 variants of the Liver Rescue Smoothie

The first Liver Res­cue Smoothie varia­ti­on below is a quick, easy, anti­oxi­dant-rich tonic that you can incor­po­ra­te into your life to deep­ly heal your liver. For the second smoothie vari­ant, the alter­na­ti­ve is a com­bi­na­ti­on of greens and fruit, which gives the smoothie a light, cheerful tas­te. If you’­ve never thought about adding sprouts to your smoothie, now would be the per­fect time to give it a try. Sprouts are powerful and mild and go very well with this gent­le, tro­pi­cal treat.

Pita­ya (also cal­led dra­gon fruit): The red pig­ment in the red-fle­shed varie­ty of Pita­ya is a liver reju­ve­na­tor, brin­ging liver cells back to life. It helps the liver pro­du­ce cells even fas­ter so that the liver can rege­ne­ra­te. It is a foun­tain of youth fruit for the liver that coun­ter­acts the aging pro­cess of the liver. She does this by nur­tu­ring her deep inner core, which in most cases is affec­ted by ill­ness if it is negle­c­ted for too long. (Look out for packs of fro­zen red pita­ya in the fro­zen sec­tion of the gro­cery store or in the Inter­net, or you can find them fresh in your area. If neither is available, you should use pure Pita­ya pow­der buy.)

Wild blueber­ries: Con­tain dozens of undis­co­ver­ed anti­oxi­dants, inclu­ding antho­cyanins. Wild blueber­ries not only have one pig­ment, but the­re are dozens of pig­ments that have not yet been rese­ar­ched or stu­di­ed. Wild blueber­ries are to the liver what breast milk is to a baby. One of her abili­ties is that she can not only absorb many trou­ble­ma­kers, but she also holds them when they lea­ve the liver. It does this in a way that most other heal­ing foods cannot. 

The pig­ments in wild blueber­ries are able to pene­tra­te deep into liver cells and pene­tra­te the cell walls and mem­bra­nes within the liver, spre­a­ding their blue throug­hout. Wild blueber­ries also impro­ve the diges­ti­ve tract and nou­rish good bac­te­ria the­re, which in turn is very bene­fi­ci­al for the liver. 

Ingredients for one serving of Liver Rescue Smoothie: 

Pos­si­bi­li­ty Num­ber 1:

  • 2 bana­nas or 1/2 Mara­dol papa­ya, diced
  • 1/2 cup fresh, 1 packet fro­zen or 2 tbsp pow­de­red red pita­ya (dra­gon fruit)
  • 2 cups (approx. 250 g) fresh or fro­zen– or 2 tbsp pow­de­red wild blueberries
  • 1/2 cup water (optio­nal)

Opti­on 2: 


Add all the ingre­di­ents for the Liver Res­cue Smoothie mixer give. Mix until the mix­tu­re is smooth. If desi­red, add up to 125ml water until desi­red con­sis­ten­cy is reached.


Pho­tos: Maar­ja Urb

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