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Ori­gi­nal recom­men­da­ti­ons from the USA:

Ori­gi­nal recom­men­da­ti­ons from the USA:

Celery stalks

Food Fear Shifter 

Do you find it dif­fi­cult to give up a luxu­ry item that is bad for you? Or do you have an inex­pli­ca­ble aver­si­on or fear of cer­tain foods that are healt­hy? Then you should try the Food Fear Brain Shot. 

Glass with mood shifter
Mood Shifter 

Do you suf­fer from irri­ta­bi­li­ty, frus­tra­ti­on or moo­di­ness? Do you feel depres­sed and need a pick-me-up? Are you easi­ly emo­tio­nal­ly unba­lan­ced? Then try the Mood Shif­ter Brain Shot. 

Cra­vings Shifter 

Do you suf­fer from food cra­vings that just won’t satia­te? Do you need help redu­cing your fat inta­ke? Would you like to kick your caf­feine or salt addic­tion? Then try this Cra­vings Shif­ter Brain Shot. 

Liver Rescue Smoothie
Liver Res­cue Smoothie 

The Liver Res­cue Smoothie or Liver Heal­ing Smoothie is an indis­pensable part of liver cle­an­sing and is also a gre­at smoothie to sup­port the liver at any time with any illness. 

The fat-free morning 

The “fat-free mor­ning” allows your liver and the rest of your body to con­ti­nue deto­xi­fy­ing mid-mor­ning. Today we are expo­sed to count­less toxins and the­r­e­fo­re it is impe­ra­ti­ve to sup­port our bodies with appro­pria­te measures.

Potato pizza with vegetables
Piz­za made from pota­to dough 

This piz­za based on pota­to dough is a plea­su­re wit­hout reg­rets. It does not con­tain glu­ten or grains and does not con­tain any radi­cal fats. 

Mush­room stew 

This hear­ty stew is so fil­ling and deli­cious. Mush­rooms, car­rots, pota­toes, oni­ons and fresh herbs form a deli­cious com­bi­na­ti­on here. 

Chick­pea “Tuna” Salad 

This salad is a healt­hy alter­na­ti­ve to the clas­sic tuna salad. It is quick to prepa­re and very fil­ling and also goes well as a fil­ling for let­tuce lea­ves or rol­led in nori leaves. 

Cup of medicinal broth
Heal­ing broth 

Medi­cinal broth is a powerful, mine­ral-rich liquid that is easy for the body to digest and uti­li­ze. The ingre­di­ents give the body and soul enorm­ous heal­ing properties. 

Glass bowl with salad with mango and tomato
Refres­hing salad with man­go and tomato 

This frui­ty salad with toma­toes and man­go is a refres­hing deli­ca­cy to take with you. The dres­sing is a sophisti­ca­ted sau­ce made from cas­hews and Bra­zil nuts. Ide­al as a sou­ve­nir to fri­ends’ parties.

Plate of spinach soup
Spin­ach soup 

This raw, fat-free yet rich soup is an inte­gral part of the 3:6:9 liver cle­an­se. It is a tre­at for the liver and is quick to prepare.

Bowl of Italian potato salad
Ita­li­an pota­to salad 

This refres­hing pota­to salad with a hint of lemon does not con­tain any fat, vin­egar or other no-foods such as eggs. It’s cheap and easy to prepa­re, fil­ling and also goes down well at parties.
