
Vegan bagels

With oni­ons, gar­lic, sesa­me and pop­py seeds, this vegan, glu­ten-free and dairy-free ver­si­on of a regu­lar bagel does­n’t com­pro­mi­se on tas­te and will lea­ve you cra­ving fresh bagels. 

Ingre­di­ents for 8 vegan bagels:

Spi­ces for sprinkling: 


Pre­heat the oven to 220°C and line a bak­ing tray with parch­ment paper. Bring water to a boil in a lar­ge pot. 

In a small bowl, whisk the ground flax­seeds with the water and let sit for 5 minutes. 

Mix the map­le syrup and coco­nut oil with the flax­seed water. 

Mix all dry ingre­di­ents. Then add the lin­seed mix­tu­re and knead into a soft dough, adding the water a spoon­ful at a time. Divi­de the finis­hed dough into 8 pie­ces. First shape each pie­ce of dough into a ball, flat­ten it slight­ly and make a hole in the middle. 

Place the vegan bagels in the boi­ling water for 30 seconds on each side. Then dip in the spi­ces. Bake in a pre­hea­ted oven at 220°C for 18–20 minu­tes until the vegan bagels are light­ly brow­ned. Let cool on a rack. They tas­te best when they are still slight­ly warm, but they dry out quick­ly when stored. 

Bon appe­tit!


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