
Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie

The Hea­vy Metal Detox Smoothie is a real clas­sic. It is the ulti­ma­te detox smoothie for hea­vy metals and should be drunk dai­ly if possible. 

Ingredients for the Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie

Preparation of the Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie

The easie­st way to buy wild blueber­ries is fro­zen. When it comes to bana­nas, it is important that they are real­ly ripe. You can reco­gni­ze this by the brown speck­les. Only then will the bana­na deve­lop its full poten­ti­al. The leaf cori­an­der must be fresh; once it is dried or fro­zen, it loses the deto­xi­fi­ca­ti­on pro­per­ties that are important for the smoothie. Add water as desi­red. All ingre­di­ents are pla­ced in a high-per­for­mance blen­der and mixed for about 2 minu­tes. The amount makes 2 lar­ge glas­ses and is ide­al for the dai­ly eli­mi­na­ti­on of not only hea­vy metals.

What is the right variety of wild blueberries?

When choo­sing the right blueber­ry varie­ty for hea­vy metal rem­oval, the fol­lo­wing infor­ma­ti­on is cru­cial. Only the right wild blueber­ry varie­ty is able to remo­ve hea­vy metals, such as mer­cu­ry, from the organs (such as the spleen, pan­cre­as and the repro­duc­ti­ve sys­tem), the liver and, abo­ve all, the brain.
The cor­rect wild blueber­ry varie­ty is the Vac­ci­ni­um angusti­fo­li­um varie­ty. In Eng­lish it is cal­led ‘blueber­ry’ and it is recom­men­ded to use the­se blueber­ries from the Cana­da or Maine regi­on for opti­mal deto­xi­fi­ca­ti­on. Only this varie­ty has the abili­ty to safe­ly deto­xi­fy metals from the brain. It also has the hig­hest anti­oxi­dant con­tent. 
An exter­nal sign for the lay­per­son is the par­ti­cu­lar­ly strong gel­ling abili­ty of the ber­ries. Vac­ci­ni­um angusti­fo­li­um quick­ly trans­forms the smoothie into a stiff, almost pud­ding-like mass. It is pre­cis­e­ly this abili­ty to gel that is a sign of the ber­ries’ spe­cial bin­ding abili­ty, which not only finds toxic metals safe­ly, but also binds them and trans­ports them away. 
Euro­pean varie­ties are usual­ly Vac­ci­ni­um myr­til­li­us (Bil­ber­ry), which do not have this requi­red cha­rac­te­ristic. They are still healt­hy, but they only remo­ve some metals from the intesti­nes and not from other are­as. When you make the smoothie with this varie­ty, it is as if you only have 4 of the 5 basic ingre­di­ents required. 

Questions and answers about the heavy metal detox smoothie

Yes, becau­se only the wild ber­ries from Cana­da or Maine/North Ame­ri­ca (Vac­ci­ni­um angusti­fo­li­um) have the abili­ty to safe­ly remo­ve hea­vy metals and toxins not only from the intesti­nes, but also from the brain, liver and deep from the organs. The cul­ti­va­ted blueber­ry has no hea­vy metal deto­xi­fi­ca­ti­on pro­per­ties. The Euro­pean wild blueber­ry, (Vac­ci­ni­um myr­til­li­us), also known as the blueber­ry, has the abili­ty to remo­ve small amounts of hea­vy metals from the intestine. 

Yes, it is easi­ly pos­si­ble to put more than 2 bana­nas in the blen­der. The bana­nas and oran­ges are pri­ma­ri­ly added so that the other ingre­di­ents are trans­por­ted into the cell more quick­ly, for which glu­co­se is always nee­ded. Many peo­p­le, espe­ci­al­ly ath­le­tes, add 3 to 4 ripe bana­nas to the mixed drink. 

The smoothie is best drunk imme­dia­te­ly after pre­pa­ra­ti­on. This ide­al­ly hap­pens in the mor­ning as break­fast 20 to 30 minu­tes after drin­king fresh­ly made cele­ry juice. The Hea­vy Metal Detox Smoothie is part of the mor­ning rou­ti­ne. The smoothie best deve­lo­ps its deto­xi­fy­ing pro­per­ties in the morning. 

Yes, you can drink it safe­ly during pregnan­cy and breast­fee­ding. The fear that the dis­sol­ved toxins could harm the baby is com­ple­te­ly unfoun­ded. The body would never pass the toxins to the baby, but the body’s own intel­li­gence will expel the toxins as quick­ly as pos­si­ble through uri­ne and stool.

The best results are achie­ved when all 5 basic ingre­di­ents are included in the smoothie. Howe­ver, it is still pos­si­ble to lea­ve out one or two ingre­di­ents, alt­hough this will have a redu­ced effect. The mini­mum ingre­di­ents would be 3 basic ingre­di­ents. It is also important here that you do not use bar­ley grass pow­der, but rather bar­ley grass juice powder.

No, the ber­ries do not have to be fro­zen. They are usual­ly bought fro­zen and can be tha­wed before­hand or used fro­zen as desi­red. The bene­fit remains the same. 

Yes, child­ren can also drink the HMDS, just the amount should be appro­pria­te to the children’s body weight. The good results in child­ren appear even fas­ter than in adults. 

The fresh herb has the best effect. Sin­ce it is often not always easy to always get fresh ingre­di­ents, you can use fro­zen cori­an­der as an emer­gen­cy rati­on. This should not be tha­wed before­hand, but rather added to the blen­der con­tai­ner when frozen. 

No, in con­trast to fro­zen cori­an­der herb, which still has a cer­tain deto­xi­fy­ing effect, the tinc­tu­re is inef­fec­ti­ve for hea­vy metal deto­xi­fi­ca­ti­on. It is then bet­ter to resort to alternatives. 

Yes, if you can’t get fresh herb, the­re are defi­ni­te­ly alter­na­ti­ves. The best second choice is the green lea­ves of radis­hes. The third choice is fresh parsley. 

The HMDS has the best effect in its ori­gi­nal com­po­si­ti­on. Howe­ver, it is pos­si­ble to switch to man­goes if you have an into­le­rance to bana­nas or oranges. 

The Paci­fic is now so pol­lu­ted that it is bet­ter not to take spi­ru­li­na from Hawaii any­mo­re, unli­ke a few years ago. 

Drin­king the HMDS is not just a tem­po­ra­ry use, but with dai­ly expo­sure to toxins, espe­ci­al­ly hea­vy metals and radia­ti­on, it is best to con­ti­nue taking it for the dura­ti­on of life. 

No, chlorel­la has a cer­tain abili­ty to coll­ect hea­vy metals in the body, but it is very unre­lia­ble in its bin­ding abili­ty. For this reason, it often releases the hea­vy metals it coll­ects a litt­le later and you end up in a bad situa­ti­on. The new loca­ti­ons for the drop­ped hea­vy metals may be even less favorable than before.

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