
Papaya-banana cream with cinnamon

Cre­a­my papa­ya mixed with fro­zen bana­nas form a seduc­ti­ve com­bi­na­ti­on in this des­sert. A sweet dream for tho­se with a sweet tooth! 

Ingre­di­ents for 2 servings: 


Peel the bana­nas, cut them into sli­ces and place them in the free­zer for two hours until they are com­ple­te­ly frozen.

Remo­ve the seeds from the papa­ya half and scoop out the pulp with a spoon. It is important that the papa­ya is ripe to eat (i.e. almost yellow).

Place the fro­zen bana­nas, the papa­ya pulp and the flower honey in a powerful blen­der and mix on the hig­hest level for about 30 seconds.

Pour the cream direct­ly into two bowls and sprink­le with the cinnamon. 

Deco­ra­te each with mint lea­ves and ser­ve imme­dia­te­ly cold.

Bon appe­tit!

More such fan­ta­stic recipes are in Gün­ther Karl’s cook­books to find:

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